WATCH: U.S. May Have Sent Iran $33.6 BILLION In Cash?

3 Responses

  1. The only reason Hussein Obama (yamach shmo) is doing this is to fulfill his livelong agenda of destruction of Erezt Ysroel and Jewish People. L.A.Times confirms that they poses but will not release video tape where in 2003 Obama, while attending 50th birthday of his fella terrorist buddy Rashid Khalidi, made a speech where he stated that “Establishment of Israel in 1948 was a tragedy and he will do evrruthing in his power to reverse this historical injustice towards Palestinians”. It looks like he is following his words now. Thank you, all of you Democrats, including Jewish ones that supported Iranian deal and still support Obama/Hitlary.

  2. And the way he hides this act by playing/paying nice in “freeing the hostages” is just another class act of double standard but pretty obvious… May his time come soon!

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