WATCH: Greenfield Slams Neturei Karta’s Ahmed (Yisroel Dovid) Weiss – The Same Man Who Attended Holocaust Denial Conference In Iran

Councilman David Greenfield scolds Neturei Karta representative Yisroel David Weiss at Council hearing on anti-BDS resolution.

16 Responses

  1. What a shameful, disgraceful despot! He is not a representative of anybody!

    Way to go Dovid Greenfield! You are a man of the people!

  2. We have to love him because of the mitzva of “v’ohavto l’rerey’achu komoiche”. We also have to be “don l’kaf zechus: because he is a tinuk shenishba.

  3. mayerfreund: LOVE HIM?? are you nuts? He is a rodef. he represents nobody but him and his ignorant cohorts. You know the halacha for a rodef??

  4. He can’t even hold a decent conversation with the other side like a mentch!
    The way he ‘argues’ he could be a Hamas/PA spokesman!

  5. to number 2

    are you out of your mind
    no mitzvah to love him
    stop with this frum nonsense
    this weeks parsha
    “uvearto hara mikerbecha”

    he is no tinok shenishba
    his father ah was a hungarian holocaust survivor a very fine and erlich man
    this nut job chose the path that he is on

  6. Getting into a public shouting match with these NK dreche only gives them the publicity they are looking for. Ignore them and move on. The goyim have their “Westboro Church” (the nutcases who demonstrate at military funerals and shuls about LGBTQ issues) and we have NK.

  7. he’s a total idiot! He doesn’t want to have a conversation, he just wants to yell like a maniac. We don’t have to love jerks like him.

  8. #2, mayerfreund, a Yid who celebrates רוצחים especially of Yidden, is not in the גדר of אחינו בני ישראל for whom we’re obligated in the מצוה of אהבת ישראל. This, okay, תינוק שנשבה celebrates murderers – just like the Palestinians do!!! Why is he different that Levi Aaron- you know who he is!!!

  9. How was the dog, Weiss, allowed to be at that meeting? That RASHA has the din of a rodef. Who is supporting him and his family? He doesn’t work for a living. What is his source of income? Is it a private person? Is it an organization? Is it a terror organization like Hamas and the like? Can someone reveal that information so we know who to pressure or boycott?

  10. How does it look to the rest of the world that two Jews argue such! Am mefuzar u’meforad… Obviously we appreciate the one who fights for klal yisrael. Just a comment on appearances.

    #2: How do we know that he is in the category of “reiach”?

  11. Well it took this nk splitoff extremist to get gagolhaborah to use her old dreche word. Haven’t seen her use that since she changed her alias.

  12. I don’t think the mainstream chareidi community has much to fear from this pathetic madman. If a shoteh can be a rodef, well, he and his gang might be considered rodfim. The call to ignore him and his buddies is probably the smartest course. This will cut off their proverbial “oxygen supply,” i.e., publicity that they seem to crave.
    Having said that, just remember there is a not-inconsiderable number of Jewish Israeli leftists who maintain the same hashkofos about how to relate to the state of Israel. There are Jewish MKs who have similar attitudes toward the state. There are numerous Jewish academics here who also hold near-Neturei Karta attitudes toward the state. Yet we never seem to hear the sort of condemnations and insulting language that are constantly expressed against Weiss & company. And these secular extreme-leftists are much more influential (and dangerous) than these NK clowns. Those who condemn NK’s hashkafos ought to be up in arms against the secular anti-state leftists too,

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