WATCH: The Latest Hate Speech Given At Palestinian Rally In Toronto By Ahmed (Yisroel Dovid) Weiss Of Neturei Karta

32 Responses

  1. At first I wasn’t too sure why ywn would keep posting these neturei karta videos. I thought it was wrong and pointless. I was wrong. It’s important to report this over and over again so that maybe one day the American/Israeli gedolim will get up and put them in cherem. I’m not sure when but hopefully it will happen.

  2. Let these hoodlums all rot and burn in hell with “their” brother counterparts.
    Why do you give them soooo much
    Coverage? – they are all ill !!!!!!!!

  3. What a fake fraud phony as the late great Bob Grant used to say. He wouldn’t be caught dead at a simcha without a bullet proof 20ft high Mechitza and yet here he mingles and cavorts with women and girls who throw themselves at him.
    ושם רשעים ירקב!

  4. The only thing worse than doing evil is making it easier and more acceptable for others to do evil. That was the issue with what Amalek did. That is the issue I have with NK. When they side with those trying to kill us, they give their imprimatur to murderers and those who wish to harm us. They are cooling down the bath-waters for others to jump in.

  5. Their man in England, Achmed Cohen has been banned from davening anywhere including Satmar, will not be served by any kosher shops and has had his burial fees returned, so that when the time comes that he finally can’t make more trouble he’ll be left to rot in his bed forever or until his Muslim ‘brethren’ do him the honour of burying him among them.

    These people need to feel very unwelcome – non violently of course. Their address and phone numbers should be publicised and bombarded with protest, they should be refused service at any Jewish establishments and services including schools, Mikvas, kosher food and meat, this can only be acheived if there is a very public outcry against them and a call on everyone to refrain having a contact whatsoever. Silence is apathy.

  6. At least his arab bretherin are there to cheere him on, he doesnt appearently care about his jewish ones because he a “chusid” is the only one practicing real judaism, and has no care for another yid, very selfish person. When moshiach comes him and all his boys will be stuck in America

  7. The chutzpaH these people have to hate other yiddin and to call themselves gd fearing jews , jews bieshunim rachamim goimlai chasadim

  8. Just why do you keep showing this garbage
    You are just giving these screwballs free publicity.
    It is is time you wake up and realize that they are a fringe group that lives on free publicity.

  9. There’s a prophesy that before mashiach comes, erev rav will rise. But the good news is that they’ll be wiped out. Very soon, they’ll get what they deserve

  10. We read about these mamzerim 3 times a day:

    “Let there be no hope for informers, and may all the heretics and all the wicked instantly perish; may all the enemies of Your people be speedily extirpated; and may You swiftly uproot, break, crush and subdue the reign of wickedness speedily in our days. Blessed are You L-rd, who crushes enemies and subdues the wicked.”

  11. Once again YWN is engaging in being fooled by these animals. Sorry they should not be called animals because animals have feelings for their own kind. These sub animal species want to see Jews killed by their kind whom they call their brothers and sisters.
    Whwn will YWN learn and understand that you playing right into their hands by giving them publicity. They would have to pay Ezra Friedlander another fool, to get such publicity. Lets not forget, but the Agudah already forgot, since they used Friedlander for their public relations for their breakfast. Friedlander after all wrote a letter to the Jewish community in support of the fat Congressman Nadler, for his support in Washington for the Iran resolution. But I strayed from the topic at hand,sorry.
    Why do you continue to provide them publicity? Do you maybe agree somewhat with what they are doing? I would like to see an explanation from YWN as to why they insist in the continuation of providing the sub-animals publicity. This is exactly what they want.
    I think YWN has a responsibility to its readers of which I am one on a daily basis, to provide an explanation! I am awaiting your response!

  12. What a chillul H’.
    He may even be held liable for shvichus damim, indirectly encouraging the sonei yisroel to harm us in their quest to take over our land .
    H’ yerachem.

  13. I don’t see any gain from this as it fosters hatred. UNLESS perhaps Gedolim can and should be shown these images with explanations of what they are doing (rallying with those that support the elimination of Israel including by murder of its Jewish inhabitants) They are obviously amongst Oyvai and Bogdai Am Hashem (Traitors of Jewish People)

  14. If one asks the same exact shayla to 10 Rabbonim he is liable to get 11 or 12 different responses. Each respondent feels that his answer is the correct answer.

    Unfortunately, these frima Yidden all believe that they know best. They feel as if they’re saving Klal Yisroel from a Major disaster. They are doing what they feel is required of them to inform and help Klal Yisroel.

    Over the past 30-40 years, I’ve been contacted by “Gedolai Yisroel, Rebbes, and other Daas Torah” to help these “Tzadikim” accomplish their “mission”.

    Even though I may agree with some of their arguments against Zionism, I don’t agree with their methods of “aiding and abetting” the enemy and their blatant “Chillul Hashem”.

    We live in Golus.

    Not everything we see is “black & white”. We have limited understanding of the world no matter how smart we think we are. And everyone has his own opinion on everything.

    Until Moshiach arrives, Tayku.

  15. Being a rotzeiach like this guy is a terrible sin, but a rotzeiach does not loose his portion in the world to come. However a “mechane sheim lachaveiro” (i.e. Achmed) does loose his portion in the world to come.

  16. I am chasidic. They are not affiliated with NK nor any other kehilla or organization. A bunch of losers got together to spout their venom. They always show up in Shabbos clothing. What a shame; they desecrate the jewish religion!!! What they are doing is against the torah.

  17. Youhavetoknow,

    Who says he live to see moshiach?

    Additionally it’s very rare that both Charlie and I agree on something which must make it emes

  18. There is nothing at all offensive about anything he said from a Torah perspective. Everything he said is emes lamito. The negative reaction above is because religious Jews have yielded to the Zionist ideal and are upset that the state of Israel is being delegitimised. But as the Satmar rebbe stated, just because the state exists, nothing has changed. It may be a hate speech, but as Rav Koppelman wrote, it is a mitzvah to hate the Zionists and it is forbidden to have anything to do with them. Zionsim and the state is trief. The NK seem to be the only Jews capable of publicly declaring this. That they do is a tremendous kiddush Hashem,

  19. Mr.#1, what do you think putting them into Charem would accomplish? They would ask for Mechila express their regret and stop their stupidity? You think they care about Charem when they are advocating in reality the arabs to murder Jews through their actions? Charem is the furthest thing for their miniscule and brainless heads.
    The only way to fight them is to totally ignore them, not to engage them in any form of dialogue or actions, and publicity such as YWN is providing them free of charge. If you ignore them they will go away, if you engage them or give them publicity they will continue because they see that they have an audience.
    Why don’t you ask , for that matter why doesn’t everyone ask YWN why they continue to give them free publicity!

  20. To all those complaining why YWN gives these Yishmaelim publicity, just look at all the comments, that’s what YWN wants.
    Perhaps if there would not have been 30 comments on every thing posted about them, they would stop showing these lowlifes.

  21. I disagree #30. Pinkt farkert, if they would not put on these videos there would not be anything to comment on. The comments are not so bad, it shows that people are aware of at least some of the world events which are going on. I should clarify a bit, I am talking those comments which make some sense.

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