WATCH: Neturei Karta Protests PM Netanyahu’s Address To The UN GA

12 Responses

  1. There has been a tradition for a number of years, to have a circus as part of the usual chol hamoed entertainment. Unfortunately, this year there was no circus advertised. For this reason, YWN has brought us a performance by an unusual type of clown. These are clowns that appear in the guise of frum yidden. Enjoy their performance. They only perform when their masters (rotzchim and mushchasim) feel threatened.

  2. Even if you believe that Israel as a secular state should not exist, must you also hate Yidden? Why must you get into the same political bed as Muslims and other lying haters of Klal Yisrael?

  3. The Israelis should not protect them for a day and see how many are left! The reason they hate the state of Israel is because before the state the Muslims and Jews lived in peace next to each other… But now there IS a state, be grateful to the Israelis for protecting you. Now there IS a state we got the Kotel and many other advantages. Maybe go wave a Palestinian flag like in the last clip while more Jews get murded. If you want to act that way go take off your kipa, peyot and bekishe, show the rest of the world who you really are. YOU DON’T REPRESENT US. Why should anyone out side Israel support Israel if all they read and see is Palastinions against Jews and Jews against Jews… These people should be locked up. IF THEY DON’T LIKE ISRAEL, THEY AND ALL THERE MATES SHOULD GET OUT OF THERE!

  4. The people who respond to this stupidity are just as Meshuga as those sub-human species who dare to invoke the name of Hashem for their their own private politics.
    The problem lies with the Yeshiva World web site which continues to show these idiots. You , that is YW is solely responsible for playing into these anti-semites hands by giving them free publicity. This is precisely what they want and they are laughing themselves all the way to Teheran where they really belong and should stay.
    STOP STOP STOP promoting them and their idiotic ideas.

  5. Neturei Karta also known as Absence of Knowledge. Go back to the Beis Medresh you “batlonim”. Or better yet, take the next plane to Teheran and stay there. I’m sure they will treat you well and you can join your bretheren there. For this there’s no “kappora”.

  6. Pull a truck up to their apts give them 10 minutes to gather what they can carry and ship them off to their beloved homeland iran. Lets see if they can walk in the street there with a shtreimel, get fresh cholov yisroel. Where are the hailigah rebbes? Kick them out of shule kids out of schools
    These are kapos from nazi time.

  7. Although the reaction to these Neturei Karta antics keep on repeating themselves, I’ll try to clarify this once more. Neturei Karta in Yerushalayim, while actively anti-zionist, was never and is not pro-arab. They understand that the PA, PLO, Fatah, Hamas, Islamic JIhad and all the other groups are pathological Jew-killers. And that they would slaughter all Jews that would cholila fall into their hands, frum, not-frum, everyone. The psychos in Monsey represent (barely!) themselves and perhaps because they indeed reside in chutz la’aretz, are not making this distinction, and some of them think that there is room for negotiating or cooperating with the arab murderers against the common foe “the zionists.” So it’s 2 groups that are using the same name, which is the source of the confusion for some people.

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