WATCH: Neturei Karta Supports Iran Nuclear Deal In Protest On Capital Hill

18 Responses

  1. Yimach Shmo Vezichro. These mamzerim went too far this time. It is one thing to oppose Zionism, but this time they support genocide against fellow Yidden and Eretz Ysroel.

  2. Is the point of all these video clips of Neturei Karta to give us something to hate? Much as they are deplorable, I’m not sure how appropriate or useful this publicity is, particularly during the Yomim No-orayim.

  3. By Standing for the Iran Deal They Are Actually Not Saying They Are Against the Zionist Idealogy But That THey Are In Favor of ENDANGERING the Millions of Yidden of Israel. They Are in Effect Mosrim and Oyvai Am Yisroel of Whom It Says In Our Shmone Esrei – Vchal Oyvai Amcha Yisroel MEHAIRA YIKARAYSOO. MAy All The ENEMIES of Your People Israel Be Destroyed Speedily. At this rally there are more than just the regular 5 or so Neturie Karta meshuganas. Is SATMAR a Silent (not so?) Supporter of this group? Its a VERY Important question because I am sure DONORS and Potential Donors Need to Know and We all need to know who are Oyvai Amcha Yisroel

  4. This is NOTHING to do with Zionism. It’s a matter of safety for 6 million Jews!
    Oh, wait. Why not move all Israelis to Kiryas Yoel and Stamford Hill? When Iran CV finishes with Israel and bombs the West, they’ll somehow leave the NK guys alone, right?

  5. Compared to Islamic State, Iran is a pussey cat (not even a feral cat). If the sanctions have been in effect keeping Iran out of the fight against ISIS, even Israel is better off. The last thing Israel wants to face is an ISIS controlling all the Arabs east of Suez. At this point, one can argue that the Iran deal is analagous to the decision of Churchill and Roosevelt to prop up the Soviet Union rather than to let the Nazis conquer the Russians. Iran may be bad, but ISIS is worse. And ISIS hates the Iranians even more than it hates the Jews.

    Israel probably has nukes. Pakistan definitely has nukes. So at this point in time, the only reason the Muslims aren’t using nukes against Israel is fear of retaliation, and that won’t change.

  6. I have some comments and ESPECIALLY during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah…. May they be “zoche” to migrate to Iran and let them stay there until 120 !!

  7. Wish they would move to Iran and do their demonstrations there. They’re merely a handful making a lot of noise and a major Chilul Hashem

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