WATCH: Dramatic Interview with Yeshiva Bochur that was Nearly Lynched by Arabs in Chevron

9 Responses

  1. They’re lucky they got out of there alive.
    That whole greater Chevron area, which is not just the small old city of Chevron where we are all used to going rather several miles of communities, is one big mass of seething, hate filled Arabs.

  2. And when I say they are lucky of course I mean it was a nes that HaShem took them out of there safely….:)

    PS- they must have gotten totally lost and not gotten anywhere near mearas hamachpeilah- it took the soldiers half an hour to get to them. In the old city, Kiryat arbah areas there are soldiers all over at all times.

  3. SHLOMO2- the kid’s not some diplomat reading off a prepared speech. He’s a kid that has just been through a traumatic episode and doesn’t even realise how lucky he is to be alive.
    No doubt when the dust settles he will reach out to those who saved him.
    Why do you have to try to squeeze some negativity out of this?

  4. Americans and tourists need to know this!
    Waze in Israel is a death trap…..I travel on the roads at night a lot. From north to south. And at times I would put waze to test as to which way it would give me. It went as far as telling me to turn into shchem so I save 5 minutes. Wake is a time saving gps app. It doesn’t discriminate against Arab territory. I returned during Ramadan to neve yaakov. And it suddenly had me make a left turn into a village of Arabs. I was in a terrible panic!!!!!
    Please tell ur friends and family when visiting. Not to use waze in Israel!!!! Google is still safer since they outline the borders….


    He was saved by a “Jewish Security Company” (at about 0:50)


    Rabbi Ari Enkin
    Ramat Beit Shemesh

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  6. Enkin, you probably didn’t read the whole story…He called the police and tbey though it was a joke and neglected his call, after that they called one ofvthe Zaaka members and first ppl to come & save them were Jews from Kiryat Arba… The police and army came later on. So not to take away from the Tzahal but what he’s saying is correct.

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