HEARTBREAKING VIDEO: Father of Terror Victim Malachi Rosenfeld HYD, Singing ‘Vafilu Behastara’ At His Sons Levaya

10 Responses

  1. I was at his other sons levaya at har Hertzl in 2002(his f-16 pilot son drowned in an accident). During his eulogy he began singing tov lehodos leHashem. It brought us all to tears. It is simply heartbreaking to see him beraved again. May Hashem comfort his family, and may we all change our ways to prevent further korbanos.

  2. My tears flowed as I heard him sing……and I wish we would all recognize the courage and the holiness of all the Jews who live in Jehuda veShomron. If not for them, the killers and the murderers would roam free in jerushalaim and all of israel…Hashem jinokom domoi.

  3. I agree with all of the above. Absolutely heart breaking. Netanyahu & Ya’alon should be made to watch this video.

  4. Anyone who watched this video and wasn’t moved to tears needs to have his heart examined. The emunah that he showed is beyond comprehension. We have seen incredible displays of emunah lately, first from Rabbi Sasson after losing 7 children, and now this. May Hashem give them the nechama they so desperately need.

  5. @ Not getting involved says:

    I think the Satmerer should be made to watch this video. They slam the settlers( case in point-when the 3 boys were murdered last summer)and call the mothers murderers. I think these settlers have greater Emunah than a vast majority of Satmar.

  6. Where do these people get their pure אמונה from? Oy, if only I could keep the חיזוק that I just got from him!
    ומי שאמר לעולמי די יאמר לצרתנו די

  7. #4
    We have no shaychus to the mizrachi community or the daati leumi community.. But Ive driven on highway 60 to beer sheva plenty of times and every time I pass all the yishuvim and see the zoo they’re surrounded I think to myself that these yiddin are gonna get great schar. By them living where they do and risking their lives they’re keeping these arab animals further away from throwing us into the see. each yishuv stands as an obstacle for them. They would love to anihilate all the yishuvim so they get all the yiddin out of there and once theyd do that theyd focus further in on yerushalayim and further and further. but this remains a distraction for them. They’re gonna get schar for this no doubt..

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