WATCH: Neturei Karta In Mean Shearim Publically Burns Photo Of Maran Hagon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZATZAL On Purim 5775

23 Responses

  1. Major Chilul Hashem…
    They will pay a very very heavy price for this hideous act.
    To burn a picture of a Gadol Hador…CHUTSPA!!

  2. I’m totally mortified that people who say they are frum could act like this. I don’t think they really want Mashiach to come, because I’m afraid he wont with this kind of dreadful behavior.

  3. What a sickening video. These people display such a big Chilul Hashem. Not sure if teshuva can save them from their apikorsoot actions.

  4. Dear The Yeshiva World News,

    While I am usually satisfied with the contents that appear on your website, I must express my absolute disgust that this video has been posted. Yes, the Neturei Karta group has beein involved in controversial actions of we as Bnei Torah don’t usually condone. However, for this chashuveh website to post such a video showing tremendous bizayon to a very great Gadol and Tzadik is beyond comprehension. There is no need for anyone to watch this disgusting video. You can mention it but don’t show it. I am not a Sefardi but a fellow Yid who has great respect for the Gedolei HaDor.
    Please, I beg you, please take down this video. It is not appropriate and can only create tremendous heartache.
    Thank you.

  5. Answer to all those who asked:

    Unfortunately the posters of this video hope to hurt some of the momentum of religious jews who feel responsibility for society as a whole

  6. Dear Yeshiva World, you should take down the video right away. If someone watches this terrible bizayon, it will make a terrible impression on him.

  7. That is NOT what is happening! They are burning an election poster. It doesn’t sound as exciting as the headline they gave it, but that is all they are doing.

  8. In their opinion, they are probably honoring the Rav, by destroying a picture that ties him to a treifa election. I am not a Neturei Karta guy, but let’s call a spade a spade.

  9. Eh, just doing what many others would do if they actually read HaRav Ovadia’s Piskei Halachah. They would scare the day lights out of any good Charedi.

  10. Dear YWN,

    Please keep this video up, sometimes the only way we can see how far some of our “brethren” have fallen, is by seeing it, and coming to realize that the only way to deal with these fanatics are by blacklisting them from every Shul/Beis-Din/Mikva, and any organization or Chasidus who supports them monetarily or otherwise should blacklisted as well. Its time for these rodfim to become a cautionary tale.

  11. Despite not having burned an effigy which would have been even worse, they exactly fit the bill of “Az Ponim leGehinom”, and due to the veracity of this Chilul haShem, cannot obtain atonement.

  12. Wow. What an utter brazen and disgusting thing to do. Have they no shame? Have they no respect for a huge Gadol Hador who completely revolutionized Sephardic Jewry? Hacham Ovadia deserves all the respect in the world. It is a shame that these people who call themselves “frum” would stoop to such a low level. However, I am not one to judge others, they will receive their true judgement in Shamayim. All I can wish for is that they do Teshuva and show Hakarat Hatov to a great Rabbi who is the reason many many Jews are religious today. A true pure soul. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  13. #14
    It makes no difference whatsoever if it was an election poster. No difference at all. The fact is that the face of Hacham Ovadia is on it, and they burned it. Regardless of their intentions and opinions, they burned it. Publicly.

  14. I’m voting with the minority that say the video should stay. Although NK is an extreme example, many people in our own chareidi camp espouse strong views with harsh language. We will only succeed with ahavas Yisroel. Let the video be a warning for those in the mainstream chareidi camp who oftentimes get carried away with their own rhetoric. It can indeed end up like this if we are not careful. We are all responsible for what we say and the image we portray.

  15. #22
    “Only the extremes are logical..but they are absurd”

    PLEASE cease your preaching to the choir

    If only your crowd would have smidgen of ahavas Yisroel
    that “mainstream chareidim” ,with all the rhetoric, have.

    You wish to stab mainstream chareidim in the back..very sinister

    Possibly one could suspect your crowd posted these videos in the first place

    “Only the..but they are absurd”

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