WATCH: Shocking Footage Shows Paris Terrorists On Rampage [GRAPHIC]

11 Responses

  1. My G-d. Hashem please put to rest those that were brutally murdered and put to death those who would kill the innocent.

  2. I agree with 1 & 2 . However,WE have not lost, the people at YWN have!
    There fact that the word “Graphic” appears in the corner is no Heter. It is Assur to watch cruelty just like it is Assur to inflict it.

    We who have supported you and your advertisers have the right and demand to know who your editorial board is and who , if any, is /are your Halachich / Daas Torah advisers.
    People visit your site to see matters relating to the “Frum” community and Eretz Yisrael (as you profess to represent) , not savagery and Pegimas Haneshama. .

  3. Every person to whom freedom is dear should see this. Only by seeing the barbarism and cruelty will many finally understand the true face of Islam and maybe just maybe will get up and do something about it

  4. Is there a good reason to show this video? Yes it is shocking but do we need to see it? Is that what you’re trying to promote and show your viewers on a religious site? Shame on you!

  5. Relax. Seriously. Did any of YOU ask a rov before posting a comment bashing a frum jew?? Didn’t think so. I’d be happy if you’d bring a reliable source for your baseless rambling.

  6. I think it’s a MITZVA to show this footage. Nobody has to look at it if they don’t want to.
    But one day, these criminals will go on trial, and we will be asked to try to *understand* them; to sympathise with their circumstances. On that day, we’ll need to remember just how calculatingly evil their behavior was.
    And those charged with protecting civilians all over the world need to truly understand the threat we all face.
    Hearing reports of it doesn’t come close to actually seeing it.

  7. They didn’t post the Holocaust and now millions deny….post aqay…post every video you have…..everyone here watched it knowing it might be bad….so get Off your high hors if your so against it why did you watch it In the first place?

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