VIDEO: Jewish Resident Of Jerusalem Blasts ‘Shma Yisrael’ Next To Arab Neighborhood To Drown Out Sounds From Mosques

22 Responses

  1. GREAT! Finally something positive. Hope it’s on daily but will Livni, Meretz, Peace Now and other chilonim allow it to continue?

  2. I understand this young man’s feelings, but I guarantee you that he did not consult Dass Torah first. This is a problem that is plaguing our community. Too many people taking matters into their own hands without considering all the ramifications that come with it.

  3. When a country neglects to punish those who disobey the rules of noise control (Arab prayer mics)- then individuals wrongly take the law into their own hands.

    This happens in every community, hilltop lads, Charedim in their neighborhoods, Bet Shemesh hoods & social protests……. Either have the govt keep the rules or chaos!!!

  4. The muslim call to prayer has as much kedushah as the shmah yisroel and should be respected. Otherwise, we expose ourselves to the same treatment or worse

  5. Yes we are in galoot, Yes we need to ask das Torah, now screw the bastards and drown them out!, It’s about time, it is always so annoying and we ignore it, like it’s not there. It’s our country for pete’s sake!

  6. You know, I read these replies to see what other people are thinking, and it turns my stomach. Kahane was right, we are so busy being respectable that we are our own worst enemy.

  7. I can’t believe all you lily-livered panderers. Where is your backbone? Are you all so afraid you just hide under the bed? No wonder we backed out of destroying Hamas, you are just as pathetic as our government.

    Kudos to this fed up resident – 5x a day of this offensive caterwauling is 5x too much.

  8. Gadolhadorah, you are kidding, right?

    For those who don’t know, If the motivation was a real call to prayer (or terrorist organizing….same thing, it would be one thing. The real issue is that their speakers are pointed outward to annoy Jewish communities. If it was a real call to prayer, for themselves, the speakers would be pointed inward for their own people.

    We passed through an Arab business district about three miles from where we live. The call to prayer was playing. We hear it much louder where we live than in their area.

  9. Wow Gadolhadora… always knew you were a lefty extremist from your postings, but I didn’t realize you were straight up an apikores.

  10. To No. 19

    My point is that the muslim call to prayer has as much “kedushah” to the arabs as the shma has to Israelis. If we treat their religious practices with such contempt, we invite the same treatment in countries where yidden are in a minority. EY has been held up as an example of religious freedom in the Middle East, and these irresponsible actions undercut our claim to the moral high ground.

  11. The claim to the State of Israel’s “moral high ground” is advocated by those who have their own man-made definition of morality. This includes advocating toeva, znus, and avoda zara. If you follow Hashem, you follow His definition of morality, in which case Israel is in many ways much less moral than many of it’s neighboring Arab countries. Our salvation won’t come with the appeasement and endearment of the West and their perverted sense of morality, but of Hashem and the Torah, (big lehavdil).
    “Uvi’arta hara mikirbecha.”

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