TERROR: Israeli Wedding Disrupted Due to Hamas Rockets (VIDEO)

2 Responses

  1. This video helps to bring home the reality of what our brothers and sisters in EY are now living with. Hopefully the chasan/kalah will have much mazel and hatzlacha and have another opportunity to celebrate their simcha. And to those guests at the simcha hall who started screaming when the sirens went off, such hysteria is not helpful to the swift and safe movement of all the attendees to sheltered areas.

  2. Mr gadolhatorah your comment about not screaming is very inappropriate, when in a circumstance like portrayed people react from emmotion . instead of being an armchair advisor why don’t you come join us in Eretz Yisroel and try to get a first hand taste of what it feels like. Don’t forget to bring the wife and kids to get the full effect. But your right it does does go quicker if everyone is calm.

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