I Am Begging Them Not To Call Off the Wedding!!

A Widow’s Plea!

Dear brothers and sisters,

It is with a broken heart and downcast face that I plead for your mercy. Turning to others for sustenance, acknowledging the indigence and deprivation which define my life, pains me terribly. Yet, I cannot refrain from doing so. The shameful poverty I live with is not simply my own lot; it is the lot of my six children as well.

After years of physical pain my esteemed husband succumbed to his illness and left me an almanah with six children. Though my portion is lonely and strewn with difficulties, I constantly strengthen my family with the belief that the Father of all orphans administers only good and will never forsake us.

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When my son reached marriageable age, shidduch offers weren’t aplenty. Those which were suggested didn’t come to fruition due to our lack of finances. The years crept upon us, and my son’s peers married and built families of their own. He remained mired in poverty and singlehood.

After years of tearful tefillos, we were zoche to find my son’s bashert. Again, the issue of finances came up. The agonizing pain of watching my son still single, so many years after having reaching marriageable age, and the fear that it would remain forever so, compelled me to commit to a financial arrangement I cannot fulfill on my own.

Please, merciful brothers and sisters, take pity on an almanah and her orphaned son.

I cannot do it on my own! For too many years I have been subject to the bitter reality of excruciating want and shame that is the lot of the destitute. Now that I stand at the threshold of a long-awaited simcha, I am beset with fear that finances stand in the way.

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Wrenching tears sear the skin on my cheeks as I turn to you for help. I know that you’ve offered generous help in the past for my daily living expenses, and it is painful for me to reach out again. Yet, the desire to see my so to the chuppah leaves me with no choice. The fear that the shidduch will be called off for lack of funds is a thought I cannot endure. We cannot do it without your help!

In the zechus of saving my son from singlehood and poverty may Hakadosh Baruch Hu reward you with much health, parnassa, nachas, and kol tuv v’tov to you and your family.

I sign off with a mixture of pain and hope,

An Almanah

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