KOF-K Thanks Public; Cheese Issue in Riga, Latvia Wrapped Up

Thanks to the call of an alert member of the public, who had seen last week’s article on Yeshiva World, the fraudulent KOF-K look alike appearing on cheese produced in Latvia has been resolved.  Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum, KOF-K Administrative Director, received emails from all over the world with information regarding contacting the manufacturer and the kosher agency responsible for the confusing KOF-K displayed on the label.

Rabbi Rosenbaum explained to the Latvian kosher agency that the KOF-K is a registered trademark and using it without permission was illegal and misleading to the public.   

Rabbi Rosenbaum said the kashrus Agency was co-operative and agreed to remove the KOF-K from the label.  They have created a new symbol that no longer resembles the KOF-K symbol.

Many thanks to all the members of the community who assisted in bringing this matter to a quick and effective conclusion. The response we got from our article on Yeshiva World was amazing.   We received many calls from people all over the world as the word spread. Within two days, we were able to contact all the parties involved which allowed us to resolve the issue. It was wonderful to feel the concern and support of everyone.    Mi k’amcha Yisrael!

As a reminder, we are asking everyone to be watchful and proactive.   If you see something related to kashrus that just doesn’t seem to make sense, please notify the kashrus agency immediately.  By alerting us to your concerns, we can work together on addressing the issues and minimize the risk of the tzibbur inadvertently being misled on the mitzvah of kashrus. Your vigilance plays an essential role in preventing kashrus violations whether they are matters of deliberate fraud or unintentional errors.

The KOF-K welcomes any concerns or questions.  Please feel free to call Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum at 201-837-1967  or [email protected].

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