Mea Shaarim Family Loses Mother

19-year-old Yisroel Glass is no average teenage boy. Having lost his mother just weeks ago to blood cancer, the boy has done something unimaginable: Taken responsibility for supporting his six younger siblings. He works as a mashgiach kashrus, saving up money to put food on the table.


His father is reportedly unwell, and unable to work.


However the boy’s income is barely enough to cover the bills, and he has another major expense coming: Yisroel is engaged to be married next month. Having emerged from sitting shiva for his mother, he has now come to the stark realization that he has none of the basics needed to start his new home.


This has put him in a unique and challenging position: At just 19 years old, he is now responsible for supporting not only one household, but two. He plans to continue to take responsibility for his siblings after marriage.


Despite his impressive will and maturity, it does not seem possible that Yisroel will be able to bear the full financial burden without outside help. His situation is urgent, with six hungry children at home, and a quickly approaching wedding date.


Donations are being accepted here to help Yisroel, his siblings, and his kallah during this challenging time.



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