Campaign to ‘Give Baby Raphael A Normal Life’ Goes Viral

A fundraising campaign went viral this week after a young Jewish mother uploaded an emotional video. Her son, now known to the public as ‘Baby Raphael’ was born with a severe cleft clip. The two-month-old baby is unable to eat without pain, and exhausted from hunger. 
Doctors in Israel would need to perform multiple surgeries on the baby, and his face would remain partially deformed for the remainder of his childhood. There does, however, exist an option for the family to fly to America, where doctors could complete his facial reconstruction in only one surgery, and leave him looking like a normal child.
For this young family, it is the possibility of their child growing up like any other, without bullying or humiliation.
In the mean time, until the surgery is performed, Raphael continues to live in pain.
In a moving display of achdus, the worldwide Jewish community has been inspired by this campaign to “give Baby Raphael a normal live.” Donations poured in earlier in the week, but have now come to a near standstill. Baby Raphael’s family have yet to reach their goal, and look on anxiously in hopes of providing their son what any parent wants from their child: A chance at a brighter future.
Donations are still being accepted HERE.
The full campaign and the mother’s plea can be seen HERE.

One Response

  1. Why doesn’t the Israeli socialist health system cover what is a “customary and reasonable” medical procedure? It isn’t like this is a something exotic and unusual, or that Israel has a primitive third world medical system. Is there some form of discrimination going on since the child’s parents are frum? Are the parents illegal aliens? What isn’t being mentioned in the article?

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