Raphael Shmuel was just 6 years old when his neshama left this world on Sunday, the 11th day of Iyar.

A couple of short years ago, Shmuel started to feel a little sick. After many tests, he was diagnosed with cancer and the life of Shmuel and his family were changed forever. After spending time in Haddassah Ein Kerem, the doctors suggested that Shmuel goes to America for treatments that weren’t available in the country he lived in. He went to ProCure Hospital in New Jersey before being transferred to Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City.

Shmuel’s amazing parents, Eliyahu and Orit, stayed by Shmuel’s side from beginning to end. They moved to America to be with Shmulik and never left his bed side. “Why can’t I eat?” and “When will I be healthy?” were just a couple of the questions that Shmuel asked his parents as they lived in the world of the unknown.

Shmuel’s parents had to stop working when they flew to America and had no source of income at all. Volunteers from Chaiyanu are trying to raise $100,000 for the next 12 months for Shmuel’s family. This verified campaign is being organized by Chaiyanu, Chai Lifeline’s Israeli Division.

The family had to take out loans to travel to America. The costs of treatments, relocating from Israel to America and then the sudden expense of a funeral and burial, are extremely expensive. Chaiyanu is seeking to cover a year of living expenses for the family, to help them get back on their feet while they pay their loans, enroll Shmuel’s siblings in therapy, and pay their bills. On behalf of Shmuel’s family and Chaiyanu, they beg you to please help as much as you can. Every amount adds up and can go a long way. If you have any questions, feel free to email Chaiyanu at: [email protected]

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