VIDEO: UK Foreign Minister Insists On Two-State Solution

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday 10 Adar, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, met with UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, “I had a wonderful meeting in London, a good meeting with Prime Minister May and with you. I look forward to coming to London for the hundredth anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, and also to celebrate the great partnership between us. We are enhancing our cooperation in economics, in technology, in security, in cooperation in the field of cyber, in many, many other areas. And we also seek a world that’s secure and peaceful, and I look forward to discussing both of these things with you.”

UK Foreign Secretary Johnson responded, “I first visited when I was – as I never tire of telling you – when I was 18 and worked in a kibbutz and made a not-very-substantial contribution to the Israeli economy back then.

“All I want to say is, of course, our government in the UK, Theresa May and I and all our government are, as you know, firm, strong supporters, rock-like supporters of Israel. And what we want is to see an Israel that is at peace with its neighbors. And I should remind you that the policy of our government is for a two-state solution, which is what we want to achieve and hope to help to bring about in a modest and humble way. And obviously there are… We want to help remove the obstacles to that solution. Israel has a, first and foremost, an absolute right to live in security and the people of Israel deserve to be safe from terrorism. That’s our absolute priority and we work with you, as you know, in all kinds of ways to ensure the stability of the entire region. And of course, we must also try to remove obstacles to peace and progress, such as the settlements, which you and I have discussed before.

“But, I think and I know that you agree with this, I think there is an opportunity now. I think things have changed in the world. I know that you’re flying around a great deal and talking to people across the world. I do think there’s a chance to look at this issue afresh. And what we want to emphasize is that we are not only here to help, but we are, as you know, building a global identity as a Britain that’s coming out of the EU and we want to build on our trading partnership with you.

“We are the biggest European trading partner with Israel. I think I am right in saying that we have the largest, fastest growing Aston Martin dealership anywhere in the world here in Israel. And we’ve done some fantastic export deals with you in the last few months.

“But you are also huge contributors to the UK economy. So I’m very pleased that one of the things that you agreed with our prime minister, Theresa May, was to set up a working group so that we could go forward together towards a new free trade agreement, and that’s what we will achieve.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu: “Well, obviously I look forward to doing that. It’s evident that we agree on most things, but not on all things. And one of the things, I think the source of it when you analyze a problem, get to its roots and reason the we haven’t had peace for a hundred years is not the settlements, but the persistent refusal to recognize a nation-state for the Jewish people in any boundary. I think if you want to solve a problem, go to the core of the problem, and that is something I look forward to discussing with you further. I think we should get going. Thank you. Welcome, Boris.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO)

7 Responses

  1. Mr Johnson: Ever since the founding of the State of Israel
    the 2-state solution has been in effect. The other state is Palestine, which thanx to your country changed its name twice, from Transjordan and then to Jordan. So the Arab section of Palestine occupies about 75% of the land, and the Jewish state has about 25%. Israel is not complaining, so it is time the Arabs stopped complaining too. Any Arab who wants to live in Palestine should cross the Jordan and live there happily. A 3-state solution is RIDICULOUS.

  2. This coming from the country who can’t handle their own problems. Country us being overwhelmed with radicals, and they gave done such a great job dealing with Northern Ireland etc. Go figure!

  3. When the UK’s Trump didn’t mention settlements why did Bibi feel he needed to? Seems quite stupid to me.

  4. First he talks about 2-state solution and than an absolute right to live in security and the people of Israel deserve to be safe from terrorism – when do they realize that’s a contradiction. I think they do realize but on point 2 don’t mean what they say…

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