Report: Woman Receives A Get After 28 Years Of Being An Agunah

According to an Israel Radio Reshet Bet report, a woman who was an agunah for 28 years has been released due to the intervention of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Agunah Unit.

There were two session in the Rabbanut and both husband and wife were present. For reasons of her own she dropped the matter of a ‘get’ and turned to taking care of and supporting her children.

Last December, represented by attorney Dina Rickie, she asked the beis din to assist in locating the husband. She explained he vanished and she has no way to summon him to beis din. She learned he was living the life of a homeless person, sleeping in a storage room in the area of Machane Yehuda.

The Agunah unit tried to find him and bring him in for a hearing without an arrest to permit him to maintain his kovod. He was located but told them he was not interested in appearing. After being told the options are limited and he would be taken into custody and brought against his will, he promised he would attend.

She saw him for the first time in 28 years in the court as they did not remain in touch. He did not attend the son’s wedding.

He first tried to extort something for the ‘get’ but Rav Goldberg, the Av Beis Din, explained to him immediately that they were no going to be playing the game, instructing him to give the get without and conditions attached, which he did.

Attorney Rikie praised the actions of the Rabbanut and the head of the agunah unit in particular, Eliyahu Maimon for being there and assisting in bringing the husband to the beis din.

Rav Ralbag and Rav Bardugo “who did exemplary work” were praised as well for persuading the husband to give the get on the stop. Head of the batei din Rabbi Shimon Yaakobi added “I praise the agunah unit for its excellent work. I call on all woman who are stuck to step forward and demand their get as the batei din remain at their disposal to assist both men and women who are stuck with the other side refusing to give or accept the get”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. At at time that the Rabbanut has been subject to criticism from all directions, this decision warrants commendation both for the outcome (which was obvious) but for the speed with which they acted, which is less obvious. Kol hakovod to those involved in this case.

  2. Does something not seem strange here? She didn’t seem to care about a Get and moved on with her life for more than 2 decades. Also, does it upset you that the husband was homeless?

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