Rabbi Tzvi Tau: Orders Involving Compromised Tznius Will Not Be Carried Out

Rosh Yeshivat Har HaMor HaRav Tzvi Tau Shlita has come out harshly against ongoing IDF efforts to integrate females into more units, including combat units. Rabbi Yigal Levinstein of Bnei David Mechina in Yishuv Eli spoke out once again this week against females serving in the IDF, especially religious girls.

In a shiur given by Rav Tau in his home last Sunday, recorded by talmidim, the rav says one cannot remain silent in light of such orders and one must protest and make his protest known.

Rav Tau adds “This is insanity and the loss of ‘Tzelem Elokim’, a loss of shame like animals and wild beasts. This is an existential issue and not [just] a religious problem of our group. It is madness that attacks men but a part of the Geula process…”

Rav Tau explains we cannot act like animals and orders compelling men and women to serve together are “immoral” and mustn’t be followed, whatever the cost may be. “Do what you wish to me – choke me, shoot me and place me in isolation. I will preserve my Tzelem Elokim” he adds.

“Hashem Yishmor. I hope those who carry out these orders do not attend my shiurim. What does one live for is they take one’s humanity from one? Am Yisrael must be one united being. This is more important than security. How long will you disable the body and soul of the daughters of Israel” the rav concluded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. These Rabbis are in for trouble. Expect the military court and the sodomite high court to have them arrested very soon for being G-d’s lawyers.

  2. I whole heartedly agree with this major concern! I often posted criticism about the Charedi protests against the draft. But if the IDF is interested in forcing mixed units and if rumours are true that often commanders intrude when female soldiers are getting dressed or bathrooms become mixed and other laxity it is a complete other story.
    I am sure most of the IDF is a morally fine force. Hashem Bless them all Greatly! But if there is a threat of moral corruption forced on the general draft age population then we need to loudly speak up to prevent it.

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