Rabbi Chaim Amsellem Responds To Costume Ban By Sephardi Rabbonim

In response to the kol korei from Sephardi rabbonim not to dress as IDF soldiers or policemen on Purim, Rabbi Chaim Amsellem explains the rabbonim who signed are not rabbonim the tzibur listens too.

Former MK Rabbi Chaim Amsellem questions “Since when did Sephardi rabbonim act this way towards soldiers and police?”

In a conversation with Srugim, the rav explained those who signed the kol korei are “Rabbonim who the general Sephardi tzibur by and large have not heard of them and they barely have a kehilla. They earned a ‘big kovod’ by being asked to sign the kol korei, all towards acting like litvish Ashkenazim. We too have pashkavilim and a list of important names signed”.

Rabbi Amsellem continues to speak out against Sephardi rabbonim who seem to be pulled in by the litvish hashkafa. “Even if we are anti-Zionist and ungrateful, I suggest to them to change their family names and it will be more pleasant and perhaps then the litvish masters will not remind you again that you are Sephardim and ‘Frenkim’ as they discriminate against you in their high schools and yeshivos”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Today it seems as if the Sfardim are in awe of the Litvish velt and follow them as if the Litvaks are the closest to G-d possible.

    The Sfardim may not have the chasuv looking clothing but they have their own traditions and values. What a shame to give that up to be accepted as a ‘big name’.

  2. Hateful and divisive remarks from one who apparently has a much larger kehilla than the rabbonim whom he criticizes for signing the kol koreh. Wonder how long he’ll keep the Chareidi costume once Purim is past. Particularly if he ends up joining Bayit Yehudi.

  3. And is Rabbi Amsellem a Rav the Sephardi kehilla listens to? I had never heard of him until a few minutes ago. On the other hand the Sephardi Rabbonim who signed the Kol Korei are all well known Talmidei chachmomim.

  4. Arye, Chaimke gave the answer himself: frenkim. Serious Sephardim listen to serious Sephardi Rabbonim, like, for example, those who signed the Kol Korei.

  5. To No. 8

    No Aryehlah….Rav Amsellem, shlita, is simply observing that intelligent yiddin, whether Litvish or Sehphardish, don’t live their lives based on what some pashkavilim signed by second and third-tier rabbunim may have said. Most chareidim from any hashkafah are able to exercise some degree of common sense and individual judgement and won’t participate in hateful disparagement of the chayalim from the IDF, even if they disagree on the government’s policies on the draft etc.

  6. I have posted similar comments to a earlier article. You people are all reacting as if the fate of our people and the continuity of Torah depends on whether a few frum kids will dress up as IDF soldiers. Is this such a serious matter? Are they debating if one should burn the Israeli flag? As #10 wrote: “hateful disparagement of the chayalim from the IDF….” Get over it. It’s kids dressing up on Purim!! Lighten up a little, folks. Save your energies for the really important issues. A freilichen Purim!

  7. #10 Precisely the reason Chaim doesn’t have chareidi followers and no Gedolei Yisroel gives a hoot at what he says.

  8. To Nos. 12 and 13

    I guess you admire the ehrliche head of Shas, reb Aryelah (better known perhaps as the ONLY government minister ever convicted of felony for bribery, fraud, breach of trust and other crimes) who also mocked the memory of Maran Ovadia, Z’TL, by using an ONION to fake tears during after the Rav was niftar several years ago.

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