Knesset To Discuss Slaughter Of Pigs R’L In Israel

Animal rights activists are turning to Knesset to act after learning the conditions for the 200,000 pigs slaughtered in Israel annually R”L.

The activists explain that while there are regulations, there is no mechanism in place to enforce them, now calling on lawmakers to legislate tougher laws.

The large influx of immigrants from the FSU has resulted in a large increase in pork products, especially amid the realization that over an estimated 1 million of them are non-Jews. The industry is booming and R”L growing and animal rights activists have set their sights on pig slaughter and unacceptable practices that are commonplace today.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Given that kosher shechita is actually one of the most humane forms of animal slaughter, especially when performed in a schlachthois under chassideshe hashgacha where there is incredibly detailed focus on the sharpness of the knife, etc., maybe they should consider having chassideshe mashgichim supervise ALL animal slaughter in EY, regardless of whether or not the animals are destined for the kosher market. This would provide additional income to the mashgichim and assure that the concerns of humane treatment of animals is satisfied. There could be some mashgichim who are squeamish about supervising the slaughter of chazerim or other trief animals but this would be purely voluntary and they would be functioning in a non-kashruth supervisory role.

  2. In Reply to Gadolhadorah.
    Im Confused why chassideshe shechita ensures a more humane shechita then non chassideshe shechita!

  3. #9 dont you see now…gadol hador (b’apikorses shelo) prooves beyond shadow of doubt what soine torah laws (shechita) and soine shomrei torah he is. cant you read the sarcasim. just go over his posts all over here and other sites when disscusing any halacha like WOW, separate bus seating etc etc hes always the other side (sitra achreh)

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