Chareidi Protest Planned At Kosel For Monday As Women Of Wall Plan ‘Hanochas Tefillin’

2Police are preparing for confrontations at the Kosel on Monday morning 2 Rosh Chodesh Adar as Women of the Wall (WoW) have announced it will be hosting a ‘Hanochas Tefilin’ in the ezras noshim of the Kosel on Monday, 2 Rosh Chodesh Adar.

Chareidim are planning to be there in large numbers to confront them under the banner “The Kosel is the Heart of the Nation”, hoping to prevent the women from holding an event with Sifrei Torah, tallis and tefilin. The call is being made for persons opposed to Reform Jewry to be a the Kosel at 6:30AM.

Last week, a senior police official met with Wow leaders in the hope of calling off the event. It was explained that the Kosel is under the jurisdiction and responsibility of Kosel Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz and until such time he calls for police, they are not permitted to act. Hence, if attacked, police may not be able to protect the women, hoping they would be scared into canceling the event, which they refuse to do.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. The chareidim who show up and scream and physically attack these women are themselves engaging in a chilul hashem by giving these misguided women the publicity many of them are seeking. Leave them alone, let them engage in whatever “ceremonies” they invent and focus on important issues to the tzibur. They are only empowered each time they are physically confronted.

  2. ATTACK!!!! They were warned
    But remember you won’t get anywhere with that mehalech rather totally ignore them a few times and almost guaranteed they’ll stop

  3. This seems an easy issue to argue against in a Proper Respectable Fashion.
    Are these truly women that desire to express their religous feelings or people that want to antagonize and start fights at the Kotel?!
    If they are truly religously motivated at the holy Western Wall remnant of the Temples and therefor seek to put on talit and tefilin and read from a Torah scroll…do they do that at any other synagogue or place or can their religous expression ONLY be done once a month at the Kotel?
    If they are truly spiritually mesmerised at the Kotel can they , as so many thousands of Jewish women for centuries, come up to the stones and pray to G-d without Talit and tefilin?
    It rather seems they are Purposely Seeking to Confront and Antagonize the Devout at Judaisms Holiest site for stupid political or crazy reasons! Since 1967 many thousands DAILY go to prayer services there at Judaism holiest site and they seek to disrupt this now for their dumb wicked political purposes?!? The JEWISH State should not aloow this for if the Jewish state will not Protect and Respect Judaisms holiest site WHO WILL!

  4. Again, Gadolhadorah with the anti-Torah views. You are just as much gadol or for Torah as I am Zees!

    FYI they have tried letting it pass.. No, these “things” won’t give up, just like the rest of רשעים, זדים, מינים, אויבים. But besides that point, it’s the in-your-face attitude. Would you put up with someone spitting in your face every month?!? They are spitting in MY RIBONO SHEL OLAM’s face every month, in the worst possible place, the worst possible manner. It should make anyone with feelings of closeness to HaShem mad, angry, incensed. It should make his blood boil. They know EXACTLY why they they come, how to cause the most damage… Would we stand for this provocation, incitement if another nation did it?!? They are the pigs being brought in to the Bais Hamikdash!!! Do we stand by?!?

    And what, pray tell, are the “more important issues of the tzibbur?!? Very telling where you come from, this and many other of your posts…

  5. “The JEWISH State should not aloow this for if the Jewish state will not Protect and Respect Judaisms holiest site WHO WILL! ”

    Gadolhadorah will….

  6. What needs to be done is to prevent them from entering the Women’s section by filling it up with observant Jews. These Hellenists should be called out for what they are–Hellenists that want the destruction of Judaism and eventually of Israel. Shas’s bill in the Knesset to stop their nonsense needs to be passed!

  7. When I read the headline I knew that ‘Gadolhadorah’ would give a typically anti Torah, anti sense and lefty liberal type opinion. I still fail to understand why this site interests you.
    Go to bed early, you’ve got your WOW ???? ?????? to attend tomorrow. Don’t forget, we take them off before ????.

  8. To No. 5

    Azoy. Do you really believe that a bunch of Chareidim shrieking “gevalt” and “Nazis” and other hateful rhetoric and shoving a group of women wearing tallis/teffin in the varbeshe section of the kosel will deter them?? Tney end up looking like a bunch of vilda chayos on the evening secular news programs around the world and being compared to the crazies in Kabul and Iran. But I guess you think these kinds of behavior are some type of perverted Kiddush hashem. Last time this happened, several of the chareidi protestors were arrested and spent a day or tow in prison and are awaiting trial on assault charges.

  9. I was wondering why many times, these women wave their prayer books in the air while they’re singing. Does anyone do that on their house of prayer? Even these women? No? Then why do they do it, if their only intention is to pray and not to provoke?

  10. Why are these people silent on all other causes they should protest the naturei karta animals which are far worse than these clowns

  11. Unfortunately some of my previous post got corrupted.

    When I read the headline I knew that ‘Gadolhadorah’ would give a typically anti Torah, anti sense and lefty liberal type opinion. I still fail to understand why this site interests you. Go to bed early, you’ve got your WOW hanochas tefillin to attend tomorrow. Don’t forget, we take them off before musaf.

  12. Bring all the seminary girls to the Kosel for Rosh Chodesh davening and the plaza will be jammed and no room for these ‘publicity grabbing anti-religious females”.

    Fist fighting, screaming, spitting, throwing items will cause injuries and we, Torah righteous people, will look like the fools and the aggressors. Be’hatzlacha!!

  13. These women will not give up. They believe that what they are doing is right and they will continue. They have no concept of regular prayer. For them “praying” once a month is just fine. The State of Israel is not a Jewish State. It has no loyalty to Yiddishkeit. That is why any sort of toeva is permitted. Is what these women do worse than allowing men to live together as “partners” in happy families? Those are issues we should be screaming about. Those people violate issurim min haTorah d’oreisa. Women putting on tefillin etc. doesn’t come near to the bestiality of men living together.

  14. #’far worse’?!! . tell us which halacha are they oiver?. you and me dont agree with thier ‘shito thats all. but these reform koirim batorah and torah misini, ball peh and ksav,

  15. #1 on such maisis umadichu the torah say ‘lo sachmol vloseckase alof’ and you go and …no surprize from all your postings all over we see your one of these kinds

  16. I wishYW would check theri sources and when thet write “charedim” to write wich Rabbonim
    You see I live in Yerushalaim and NOONE came aroud hanging up any signs
    If I am not mistaken the poster featured here is from the Mizrachi
    When the Cahredim did decide to protest at the Kosel, there were orgganized buses and all the Beis Yaakovs girls were told to attend
    So all u people who rigt away write all these comments, and to the editor – why not check sources????
    In fact I saw an artile asking where the Charedim were????

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