PHOTOS & VIDEO: Chabad Delegation Visits Litvish Gedolim


(PHOTO & VIDEO LINK BELOW) A Chabad delegation on Thursday night is expected to meet with Litvish Gedolei Torah in Bnei Brak. The delegation will include Chabad rabbonim and askanim, led by Rav Ashkenazi Shlita, the rav of Kfar Chabad. Rav Yosef Yitzchak Aaronoff who heads Tzeirei Chabad will also take part in the delegation along with HaRav Aaron Shapira Shlita of Pardes Katz, HaRav Mordechai Goldschmidt Shlita and Rav Yaakov Goldschmidt.

The meeting surrounds the upcoming Chabad Kenos “Shloshim of the Mumbai Kedoshim” which is scheduled to take place in Har Chotzvim in Yerushalayim. The event is being sponsored by Chabad askan Rav Chaim Yaakov Leibowitz.

The delegation has already met with Rav Michel Lefkowitz, Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rav Nissim Karelitz, & Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel – all reportedly receiving the Chabad delegation with open arms and sincere warmth. The Gedolim Shlita emphasized the Kedoshim and their shlichus, being killed ‘al kiddush Hashem’ and they wished the delegation much success in their mission.

In the beginning of the week, the delegation also met with Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and a number of Admorim, including the Gerre Rebbe Shlita, as well as the Admorim Shlita of Boiyan, Erlau, Rav Yisrael Hager of Vishnitz Shlita, the son of the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita, Admor of Slonim Shlita and others.

The Chabad delegation hopes to include the entire spectrum of the frum community in the event, which will mark the Shloshim of the Mumbai terror attack.

PHOTO & VIDEO LINKS BELOW: Click HERE for photos, and click HERE for a video (courtesy of COL)

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

23 Responses

  1. Only Achdus can bring us the Yeshua!

    Look at the pictures-
    besides the obvious (S’forim etc..)
    notice the simple means of each home. We daven every Motzoai shabbos for Emunas Chachomim. We are so fortunate to have our G’dolim.

  2. I’m all pro the Achdus and especially in light of the recent tragedy. However when dealing with Chabadniks one must be extremely careful since there are factions within the larger worldwide Chabad movement who unfortunately believe the Rebbe is still alive but is hidden from us or even worse that he is dead but will return. It is also well known that Chabad is very much into good PR and it is my sincere hope that this is not a PR stunt to use these Litvishe Gedolim to Kasher certain things done by certain Chabadniks.

    I am very proud of the recent display of Achdus between Chabad & non-Chabad Yidden especially the outreach from Chabad to the Yeshivishe World and vis versa however, PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!

  3. Tears are coming to my eyes when I read this! All of us Jews need a Yeshua. Just look at Governor Paterson’s doomsday budget for New York City Yeshivos!

  4. To #4, if the Litvishe Gedolim felt that the concerns that you mentioned were an issue they would not have met the Chabad delegation “with open arms and sincere warmth”. B’esras Hashem, the mission of Chabad will be successful and unite all yidden, observant and non-observant, and Moshiach will come as a result of their effort.

  5. funny how the people writing are more concerned than the Gedolim that they respect – or do they? I guess some of the writers should respect their Gedolim as much as Chabad respected their Rebbe, thats Emunas Chachamim.
    If Rav Kanievsky accepted them with warmth maybe its commentators who are slipping on thin ice.
    Stay away from Machlokes and stop looking for every negative way to turn something…enough.

  6. #4 – I wouldn’t be concerned if I were you. After all, They are meeting with Gedolim who are very clear on these issues. Besides, the Chabad group that oversees “shlichim” openly states ‘Z”L’ when referring to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The people meeting with the Gedolim are NOT the fringe element. …and maybe, in their wisdom, the Gedolim are trying to re-establish ties. After all, they are yidden.

  7. to: ‘ani oymer’, u dont have to agree to Chabad. But by saying: “Chabad & non-Chabad Yidden” you are implying a certain separation which does not sit well with the principle of ahavs Yisroel. We all know that many ‘sects’ (I am sure chabad also) have a problem, whereby many yidden within those ‘sects’ have an attitude problem, which means they look down at anybody that is not one of them. This is a gaveh (arrogance) problem that we all need to work on. Please be more careful next time.

  8. “… or even worse that he is dead but will return.”

    Now tell me what is the 13th Ikkar? Is it not that the dead will stand up techias Hameysim? So what am I supposed to believe that every shmedrik will get up Techias Hamessim but not the Rebbe of Chabad?

    Of course he will return! Together with all the other Tzadikim on the first day of Techias Hameysim.

    Regarding the gist of the comment – I would like to point out that the extremist element in Chabad does not represent Chabad. This is true even if they are the majority (which, by the way, I am not sure that they are.) The real Chabadniks are represented by the Shluchim. What they are doing is now clear to all.

  9. the possibillities that were dealing with are astounding the resolutions and the ground we can be breaking can be bottomless yes people think and may have reservation about each other but the scope of this action ein yicholim lisha´er ein domeh re´iah leshmi´ah this is not the time to talk this is the time to show and maybe there will be 600,000 jews there and we can say the bracha everyone here that if there is a time to push something forward this is the time every other time is the time to patchke but this will be one time where someone new and unprecedented since the times of the charedim against the liberalism in the 1800s but now even the fryeh yidden are with us in this and WE MUST MAKE A TOTZA´AH FROM THIS im yirtzah hashem yisborach

  10. Reading comprehension would help over here.

    To Michal & Mottel1 – The Gedolim certainly don’t need my advice and I would never dare offer it. My advice was to you and your fellow readers that we all be weary of whats reported in the media through stories and photos because certain factions within Chabad may use it to Kasher certain unkosher ideas (it’s been done before)

    To 1tenthOfAMinyan- The “Chabad & non-Chabad Yidden” description was simply for identification purposes only as one would say Sfardim & Ashkenazim. I don’t hear your concern.

    And To goor.pooshit- The 13th Ikker certainly includes the Lubavitcher Rebbe but NOT AS MOSHIACH!!!

    To All- I was not and will not address my comments to “Mishichist’s” so if any of you are Mishichist’s, may H-shem guide you back to authentic Judaism.

    It is well known that although the Litvisher world always disagreed with Chassidus including Lubavitch, these days you will see a lot of integration. Whether its Chasidishe boys learning in Litvishe Yeshivos or vis versa or with Shidduchim or Agudah and other Jewish organizations etc. Modern day Chabad though, as welcoming as they are to all, has always kept their distance from all other groups of Frummeh Yidden never joining with anyone as if to say only our way is authentic. So to those who want to jump down my throat for my previous comment just understand that I find it refreshing that Chabad is reaching out to Litvisher Rabbonim and I repeat that I sincerely hope there are no ulterior motives.

  11. I had big hopes for Achdus the last 3 weeks, but after watching this video … I don’t know…

    These Chabadtzkers don’t let go of their Chutzpa…

  12. This is truly historic. There was a period of tremendous animosity between chassidim and misnagdim, later on though, becouse of tzarus and other factors gedolei yisrael from both sides worked together such as R Chaim Brisker and The Rashab. Their ways and views were diametricaly opposite, however they had tremendous respect for each other.
    Today we might actually be seeing a similar phenomina where ideologies can remain at odds, but nevertheless two opposites see a common connection and therefore respect and work together.

  13. MDshweks
    Thats EXACTLY the point. Chabad was, is, and will be mechutzafim, and we wont enumerate on every groups specific “ma’alos”. Baruch Hashem we have enough differences and chesronos to go around for everyone.
    And AF AL PI KEN we will learn to get along. Just like you love your child even though he is a mechutzef, becouse your father loved you even though you were a nudge.

  14. Lets call it what it is. Heres what you see when you watch this clip:

    The Roshe Yeshivas are being nice to them and accepting them and giving them their due sympathy over the horrible tragedy that occured.

    But at the same time they are suspect that their attendance to this function will used by the chabad as an edorsement to theyr broader intentions , much of which they disagree with.

    So each one is trying to find another way to get out of coming to the function.

    Thats clearly whats happening in this video clip.

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