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Thousands Expected at Monumental Atzeres Tefillah in Lakewood to Support Acheinu Bnei Yisroel

With nearly 100 hostages still languishing in Hamas captivity and acheinu bnei yisroel under the perpetual threat of rockets and missiles raining from the sky, yidden locally and around the world are gathering to their support and defense by beseeching Hashem for a yeshua.

This coming Sunday, the first day of Selichos, thousands of yidden from across the tri-state region will gather in Lakewood for a monumental atzeres tefillah in defense of our brethren hanesunim b’tzara u’beshivya in Eretz Yisroel, as well as to implore hakadosh baruch hu to spare Klal Yisroel from the scourge of antisemitism running rampant worldwide.

The atzeres will also address the impending implementation of new Israeli draft laws that threaten to force thousands of bnei torah into the military, posing an unprecedented threat to limud hatorah in Eretz Yisroel – the very lifeblood of the Jewish nation.

The atzeres tefillah, endorsed by dozens of rabbanim and roshei yeshiva from across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit, will be a stalwart and resolute show of achdus, as the largest Jewish communities in the U.S. join as one to proclaim their allegiance to Hashem, the Torah – and each other.

28 Responses

  1. Wow very nice to be michazek acheinu bnei yisrael so appropriate for this time of year especially due to the situation in Ererts Yisrael.

  2. Nice rebranding… the “macha’ah v’tzaaka gedola” was insane. Even the satmer rov ZY”U said not to make macha’ah bshas milchama…. I cannot come close to understanding how many chashuv rabbonim in the yeshiva world endorsed this in its original version without seeing the potential PR pitfalls…. BH it’s changed to something that makes sense.

  3. The notice – posted on another site – does not mention ANY of the “dozens of Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivah from the spectrum of Yiddishkeit” who endorse this event. Also, no location is provided only that it will be in the “enter of Lakewood.”

    There IS CERTAINLY great need for this atzeres ha’tefillah. There IS CERTAINLY great need for achdus. But something does not sound or look right here.

  4. Hmm the war has been going on for almost 12 months already, hostages in captivity for almost 12 months. So is this an atzeres tefila for the hostages or it’s just about the draft laws 🤔🤔. Who we fooling?

  5. Can you please provide the source for this article. Has the scheduled anti-giyus event changed to a broader atzeres tefilah as it is being portrayed in this article?

  6. There is so much going on behind the scenes this past month, bh lkwd didn’t get sucked in to a huge mess, and pre empted by making their own kenusach bmg, it will be massive and erlich even though final details are still in the works

  7. once again ywn misses the boat.
    this has nothing to do with antisemitism on college campuses, this is a real atzeres teffilah about the biggest eis tzara klal yisroel has been in since the creation of the world, its about us the bochurim, a direct attack made on the most important thing we have as a jewish people.
    so all you balabatim who cant really understand what im saying right now, just keep your mouths closed, you dont know how bad of a gezeira this is, you really dont know!!

  8. @habachur hachashuv – if you’re in Israel, you belong in the army, period – you are no better and your learning is no more valuable than that of the thousands of Talmidei Yeshivot Hesder who have been pulled from their Gemaras to protect the Am Hashem haYoshv b’Tzion. In fact, your learning is STOLEN from those Talmidei Hesder, who, if there were enough others serving, would be back in Yeshiva – so your learning is a Mitzva haBa b’Aveira. Why don’t you chew on that one for a while?

    If you’re in the US – butt out. You and the American leadership should deal with your own multitude of issues – you have no business getting involved in Israeli issues like this.

    an Israeli Yid.

  9. Are they going to daven for the thousands of bachurim and yungerleit being called up to the front for the umpteenth time this year or only for the draft dodgers?

  10. @habachur hachashuv:
    Thank you for showing the oylam what the rally is really about.
    How are you so sure?
    Is this what choshuve bochurim are saying among themselves, what they’ve heard from their rabbonim, or are you just guessing?

  11. This isn’t about the draft r”l nor about the hostages. It’s about the safety of every yid in israel, as the war is escalating and everyone is at risk.

  12. @anIsraeliYid if you’re in Israel, you belong in the army, period – says who gallant ym”s. Your obviously secular because the gedolim say it’s יהרג ואל יעבור.
    Ps. hesdar yeshivas have plenty of time to dance every time a terrorist dies.

  13. Traffic in Lakewood is at an unprecedented level. Sunday will be an insane shopping day for YT. Can’t imagine what an atzeres in town will do to the roads. I guess the drivers sitting in traffic will have the leisure for extra davening as they sit in traffic.

  14. BASESTHER: Among the many postings on the pros/cons of any gathering and tefillos for achdus and the safety all yidden in EY, your mindless concern for “traffic” problems in Lakewood on Sunday certainly rises to the top in terms of mindless concerns. Hopefully, for one day, the tzibur will join together, irrespective of their views on the draft etc. and plead for the well being of klal yisroel, even if it takes you a bit longer to shop for your kishka.

  15. @naki – I absolutely am in Israel (my screen name should give you a clue about that), and all of my sons over the age of 18 are either in the army now or have been in and out of Miluim since 7 October – including those who are in Yeshiva during “normal” times. As to whether I’m secular or not – I leave that for HKB’H to judge; I follow my Rabbonim, not yours, and have an absolute basis in classic Halacha and Hashkafa for my positions. I challenge you to find a classic source in Halacha or Hashkafa dating to the Rishonim or early Achronim who supports learning only as a means of protection and exemption from needing to fight when there’s a physical danger to Am Yisrael. The issue in question is not Zionism – it’s Hatatzalas Nefashos.

    And as to your last comment – Chareidi Yeshivos have plenty of time to go riot and block traffic whenever they want some action, right? You should look into what they say about people in glass houses.

    an Israeli Yid

  16. @israeliyid I’m not doubting your israeliness. I was actually quoting your first sentence. And you can be an israeli yid living in America.
    Ps. Stop writing your name at the end of every comment it’s mad lame.

  17. @MudchaIsaac,
    LIES LIES! If “you” don’t “agree” with the Satmar Rav then why do you have the pressure to crank out nonsense stories that he never even dreamt about…? Just say you don’t hold of him? huh? ‘Cause it won’t help?
    Dunno what was so crazy about making the mecha’a, but it was quite doomed from the outset, being that the Litvish Rabbanim didn’t agree to make it in Manhattan, The Reb Ahren Satmar (KJ) didn’t want speeches etc etc, but it definately would have been a good idea.

    @Anisra-helli Goy!
    The immense obnoxious, bogus, arrogant and immature attitude of the typical zionist comes out so well.
    Don’t you dare go telling others what they have to do and not, and what their learning is worth and not, (BASED ON) JUST BECAUSE you decided to send your children to be offered up on the mizbe’ach of the molech.
    In fact, his learning probably is, being that it is not shituf mixed together with bogus so called torah, at best of times twisted pshat, at worst plain and simple made up mefarshim fresh out the printers in merkaz harav.

    And if you really are in israel than but out of all the topics you poke your nose into when it comes to politics in the USA, UK or whatever.
    YOu know very well that your idol your are so mad about has more than a plate full to deal with, keep to your country, cheers.

    >”I follow my Rabbonim, not yours, and have an absolute basis in classic Halacha and Hashkafa for my positions.”.<

    Right, first of all, it is quite clear that you don't follow the Rabbanim of Klal yisrael (whether sefaradi, Litvish or Chassidish).
    Besides, your "absolute basis" if true is not a Jewish one.
    After all, halacha and hashkafa in zionism and kippa decked zionism has totally different meaning to what the Torah has to say.
    First comes hashkafa, which in short means total and complete allegiance to the zionist idol (and twisting/creating/editing torah, history and facts to keep with the agenda), and torah is the application of zionism.
    In Judaism though, Torah is what the Jewish nation received on Har Sinai, and hashkafa is a route taken by a certain person to attain that, based on their chinuch.

  18. @meluchlach – see, two can play this game of changing names.

    You clearly have no real knowledge of the army and those who serve, and are motzi laz on many, many true Yarei Shamayim who serve – including those gave their lives (yes, real Mesiras Nefesh, not the fake stuff being pushed by certain leaders) al kidush Hashem while defending Klal Yisrael. I am personally aware of soldiers who continued to learn while in Gaza, taking whatever downtime to keep up with the Daf, to make Siyumim, or to organize a Limud on Leil Shavuos – and who were subsequently killed in action. I don’t envy you when, after 120, they testify for the prosecution when you and all the others peddling lies about the army and its soldiers are standing in front of the Beis Din shel Ma’ala.

    Signing off being lame? OK – I’d rather be lame than an ingrate or a Motzi Shem Ra.

    an Israeli Yid

  19. If history repeats itself, a mere hours before the gathering a group of Rabbanim will find a reason people shouldn’t attend. Other Rabbanim will be bullied & intimidated (& lied to by “Askanim”) into siding with these Rabbanim & everyone on all sides will try to “Out-Frum” each other.
    We’ve seen this numerous times before & it’ll probably happen to this gathering as well.

  20. @pure yiddishkeit
    I’m not sure what all the quotation marks are for; you should prob learn how to write more properly or ant least learn basic grammar rules in order to convey ideas. “you”?!?!?
    If you are accusing me of not holding of the Satmer Rov ZY”U, I’d advise you to not make statements when you don’t know what you are talking about. My elter Zayde was close to Reb Yoilish, my grandfather was his driver for some time, and I’d love to handel with you in his teshuvos which heavily influence my psak in Halacha. If you want to handle in is seforim on tzioynus, please let’s go ahead… But don’t publicly slander me and spread motzei Shem rah because your ignorant kanaus got the best of u. What stories am I making up? The ones that my grandfather experienced with him, that my great grandfather did? Telling me I don’t hold of someone who I doubt you know much about is arrogant and ignorant. If you’d like to challenge me to talk over his piskei Halacha, hashkafos, maasehs, or anything in divrei Yoel I’m game. I’d happily show you how much I hold of him (even if I don’t follow every single one of his hanhagos….) So please keep your ignorant comments to yourself. It’s before RH and I forgive you for the motzi Shem rah, but please learn from your mistakes in the future.

  21. @pure yiddishket
    I’d advise you to look into how many kf the gedolim you admire (if you are learned enough to have heard of them…) were full fledged Zionists or at least strongly sympathized with Zionism. As someone who surely doesn’t identify as a Zionist as you describe it (and frankly laugh as the current usage of the term cz I don’t believe it has any meaning post 1948… although I know I am a das yochid in thai regard) I can admit that many gedolim were Zionists or close to Zionist.
    The Marcheshes whose Yuhrtziet was this past week served as the President of Mizrachi. Rav Kook was both Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv’s mesader kedushin. Rav Shlomo Zalman would leave Seder in his younger years to look though a key hole to watch Rav kook learn. Rav ShZA made Rav kook sandek for his son Rav Shmuel. The chofetz Chaim called Rav Kook the mara d’asra d’ara kadish. He recruited him to learn in his kollel for kohanim, the netziv gave him permission to be the only talmid in volozin to learn all day in tefillin. You aren’t talking about stam people; do some research and see that there were many more “Zionist” gedolim even if there were many that weren’t.
    “ After all, halacha and hashkafa in zionism and kippa decked zionism has totally different meaning to what the Torah has to say.
    First comes hashkafa, which in short means total and complete allegiance to the zionist idol (and twisting/creating/editing torah, history and facts to keep with the agenda), and torah is the application of zionism”
    Motzai Shem rah at its finest…. I’m sure that describes the Marcheshes perfectly…. 🧐

  22. @naki – I’ve spoken with them regularly about it. In their units, much of what goes on is learning (siyumim in Gaza amongst them) and true caring for Klal Yisrael, for whom they regularly put their lives on the line – with a number of their close friends having paid the ultimate price – truly Al Kidush Hashem.

    Your misconceptions about the army being nothing but a den of iniquity are a gross exaggeration and detached from reality – yes, there are things that go on there in places that are not in line with Frum values, but one who has a strong grounding in Yiddishkeit, and especially one who goes in with a like-minded chevra who are also strong – will be fine.

    Or perhaps you’re not confident in the strength of the Yiddishkeit of Chareidi Talmidei Yeshiva?? That says something about Chareidi Chinuch in general, doesn’t it??

    an Israeli Yid

  23. @MudchaIsaac,
    Your last comment just proved my point.
    You want to stain the name of the holy Chafetz Chaim by writing such nonsense?
    Let’s just get things straight.
    His grandson, Rav Zacks ztz”l was me’id that when kook made a statement saying that boys playing football to get strong to build the state and it was written in a newspaper, someone put it on the table of the Chafetz Chaim to see what he’ll say.
    When the Chafetz Chaim walked in and saw it, he wouldn’t even touch the paper, with his elbow, he pushed it on to the floor, and shouted, kook, shmook drook!
    You want to talk about the holy Netziv? Go look what he writes about zionism.
    And what Rav Elyashiv etc etc said.
    Different Gedolim might have had different ways of applying the Torah view in lema’aseh, but their hashkafos was no where near what you make it out to be, unless of course one has an agenda and is only trying to fit the Gedolim into it…

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