MK Elazar Stern Withdraws Support For State Giyur Plan – Calling It Capitulation To The Chareidim

MK (Yesh Atid) Elazar Stern has withdrawn his support for the recommendations submitted by the State Giyur Committee headed by Moshe Nissim. Stern claims changes were made in the recommendations to accommodate chareidim and that is why he withdrew his support.

The chareidim expressed opposition to the committee’s recommendations, as did the Chief Rabbis of Israel and rabbonim from the chardal sector of the dati leumi community.

Stern claims changes demanded by chareidi parties have been accepted in part, including how the committee will select the person in charge of state giyur, and therefore, he feels he can no longer back the plan.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Oh surprise, he won’t back a plan on geirus that’s in lone with halacha. What does he want it to say? Hold your teddy bear, make a wish, and, presto you’re Jewish?

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