Poll Shows Deep Divisions Between Israelis And American Jews

An opinion poll published Sunday shows deep divisions between Israelis and American Jews, particularly in relation to President Donald Trump, highlighting the growing rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities.

The survey of the American Jewish Committee showed 77 percent of Israelis approved of the president’s handling of U.S.-Israel relations, while only 34 percent of American Jews did. Fifty-seven percent of U.S. Jews disapproved, while only 10 percent of Israelis did.

The polarizing Trump recently recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocated the American Embassy there, upending decades of U.S. foreign policy and an international consensus that the city’s fate should be decided through peace negotiations. The Palestinians, who claim east Jerusalem as their future capital, were outraged by the move and cut all contacts with the U.S. in response.

Eighty-five percent of Israelis supported the embassy move, while only 46 percent of American Jews did.

The AJC surveyed 1,000 Israelis and Americans and had a margin of error of 3.1 and 3.9 percent, respectively.

The survey was released ahead of the opening of the AJC Global Forum in Jerusalem, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address later Sunday.

Netanyahu has forged a close bond with Trump, and their hard-line policies toward the Palestinians have strong support in Israel and among its Republican backers in the U.S. But most American Jews are Democrats who are highly critical of Trump and Netanyahu. Experts have been warning for years that the two communities are drifting in opposite directions politically, undermining the kinship between the two groups, which make up the vast majority of Jews in the world.

The poll showed 59 percent of Americans favoring the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel but only 44 percent of Israelis supporting the idea.

The communities share similar views on the importance of good ties between the “extended family.” But they differ greatly on matters of religion and state, particularly on the ultra-Orthodox monopoly over religious affairs in Israel. The vast majority of American Jews identify as either Reform or Conservative, the more liberal streams of Judaism that have a very small foothold in Israel.

On one of the most contentious issues, regarding a mixed-gender prayer area next to Jerusalem’s Western Wall, 73 percent of American Jews express support, compared to just 42 percent of Israelis.


5 Responses

  1. A better reading of the data is that secular Jews in Israel hold views that correlate closely with those of secular Jews in America, whereas religious Jews in Israel hold views that correlate closely with those of religious Jews in America. The difference is that religious are a significant part of Israel’s population, but only a small and insignificant minority in America.

  2. Are there still Jews left in America I thought they all married out
    I any event its easy to talk from the luxury of the USA
    The Jewish nation outside of our land should have only a supporting role to play until we do the right thing and go dwell with our brethren

  3. The American Jews were likely polarized both to the left and the right. Most of our type – not Jews-in-name-only type nor the Satmar type care an ounce about the move as they don’t really regard Israel as anything they relate to but the bulk of YWN’s readership likely were much more supportive.

  4. It proofs that more Americans become neture karte anti Zionists. Remember the old saying if you can’t win them join them.

    Reply »

  5. Reform Judaism has only one religious prohibition: “There shall not enter unto your congregation a Republican.”

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