DM Lieberman Has Plans To Build 2500 Housing Units In Yehuda And Shomron; None For Chareidim

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman will next week bring his plan for the construction of 2,500 housing units to The Supreme Planning Council in Yehuda and Shomron for immediate approval and 1,400 units in advanced planning stages in over 30 communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron. If one looks at the list of communities, there is not one chareidi community among them; not Betar Illit, not Modi’in Illit, not Emanuel, and not Tel Tzion.

The large portion of the new housing will be in Ariel (400), Maale Adumim (460), Maale Ephraim (45), Kiryat Arba (150), Alfei Menashe (40), Avnei Chafetz (130), Chananit (80), N’vei Tzuf (60), Talmon (180), N’vei Daniel (170), Kfar Etzion (160), Tena-Omrim (130), and a Senior Citizens Home in Elkana (250). These, the minister explains, once approved, will begin construction, in 2018.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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