Kisch Pays The Price For Not Voting In Favor Of The Draft Bill

MK (Likud) Yoav Kisch did not vote Tuesday in favor of the draft law in the preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum, and the Likud party removed him from his position as chairman of the Knesset’s Interior Committee as a result.

Kish was in the plenum during the vote on the law, and after seeing that there was a majority voting in favor of the law without him, he did not vote.

Later in the day he was informed of the price he would pay for not following the party line. He informed PM Netanyahu prior to the vote that he was going to vote against it but refrained from doing so. However, during the hours leading to the vote, he was informed that if he did not vote in favor, he would be removed from his post as chair of the Knesset Interior.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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