Chief Rabbinate Official Comments On Tzohar Launching Kashrus Supervision

CEO of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel Rabbi Moshe Dagan on Wednesday morning Taanis Esther spoke with Betzalel Kahan of Kol Chai Radio. Rav Dagan was asked to comment on Tzohar Rabbonim announcing the launch of their kashrus supervision.

Dagan explained recent High Court of Justice rulings have in essence opened a door for this, highlighting this is however not at all the same as the fourteen badatz hechsherim which operate, as they are ‘in addition’ to Chief Rabbinate supervision and not ‘in place of,’ explaining Tzohar is doing the latter, seeking to replace the Chief Rabbinate that which is in place today.

“Too many people today are simply unaware of the complexities of kashrus and the industry,” warned Rav Dagan, adding the entrance of Tzohar and its supervision will lead to more confusion. He lamented the fact that Tzohar decided to team with the “Hashgacha Pratit” supervision which has been challenging the Chief Rabbinate in the High Court during recent years. Dagan stated the rabbonim have already spoken out about that supervision and enough is understood.

Dagan fears if permitted to move ahead, the Tzohar and Hashgacha Pratit initiative will lead to further deterioration of kashrus nationwide.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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