Another Violent Day In Meah Shearim: Kosel Rov Barricaded In Matzah Bakery; Police Called To Extricate Him [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

It was another violent day in the Meah Shearim neighborhood, as large police forces were called to rescue the Kosel Rabbi.

At around 4:00PM, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites arrived at a Matzah bakery on Chavakuk Street. Minutes after arriving, a message was quickly disseminated among the regular extremists that they were all needed at the Beiderman Bakery to protest the presence of Rabbi Rabinowitz.

A small crowd arrived and began screaming and chanting in front of the bakery. The crowd quickly grew in size, and police were called.

As is the custom in the area, as soon as police arrived and exited their vehicles, they were greeted with the usual “Nazi” screams directed at the police.

Additional resources were brought in as the crowd grew.

Around 45 minutes later, Rabbi Rabinowitz exited the bakery under heavy police guard, as the crowd screamed and yelled all types of slurs at the Rabbi and police.

As police attempted to exit the Meah Shearim area, they were greeted by rocks, glass bottles, dirty diapers and other items thrown at them. The road was also blocked by overturned dumpsters making it difficult to exit the area, as protesters tried stopping the police vehicle from leaving with Rabbi Rabinowitz.

No arrests were made.

Sources tell YWN that the group was protesting Rabbi Rabinowitz as they accuse him of trying to take control of Kever Rashbi in Meron, and give the State of Israel more control then they already have over the holy site.

This is the third consecutive day of people being attacked in Meah Shearim / Bais Yisroel neighborhoods. YWN reported on Monday that Frum soldiers were attacked on Sunday and then again on Monday. One day it was because a soldier simply tried to Daven in the Bais Yisroel Shteeblach, and the next day it was for a soldier eating a falafel with his family at Miros Falafel store. Thankfully, there were no injuries reported in both incidents.

ALL PHOTOS TAKEN BY AND USED WITH PERMISSION FROM דוד פרלמוטר VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים:

35 Responses

  1. “Sources tell YWN that the group was protesting Rabbi Rabinowitz as they accuse him of trying to take control of Kever Rashbi in Meron, and give the State of Israel more control then they already have over the holy site.”

    So they want the State to leave the premises and let the Palestiniasn come back in to take over? From wikipedia:

    > In 1931, Meron consisted of an Arab and Jewish quarter, with the former being the larger one and the latter being built around the tomb of bar Yochai.

    > Meron’s, then known as Meiron, Arab inhabitants were driven out or fled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

  2. I would mandate a minimum of 10 arrests at each such incident. None of the arrestees should be permitted to be home for Purim or Pesach. They should be banned for life from ever receiving any and all forms of government support, stipends, health insurance, etc. And this extends to their spouses if and when married. This behavior is disgusting, and does not reflect any shadow of Torah life. These examples of disgrace should be publicized and shunned wherever they go. This won’t catch on at first, but as these tragedies continue, there will be groups of people who will find their shidduch prospects appropriately limited. If any are foreigners, they should be sent back home and banned from re-entering Israel. This is not Satmar shittoh. It is nothing beyond wild jungle behavior. It should not result in any consequences that are not negative and strong.

  3. how can it be that there are so many dumb and violent thugs who are so charadi and yet so totally stupid? How did this craziness happen?

  4. As i watched this clip i didn’t see him. Was he killed r”l and this was his levaye? Then it is not a chilel hashem but retziche. Killing must be stopped no matter who it is.

  5. These “charadim” need to be dealt with. Each and every one of them should be Arrested and should not be eligible to receive any money from the government. Massive chillul hashem

  6. This is so disgusting what a chillul hashem he a is a great Talmud chacham and it’s such a בזיון I actually see him every morning at 5:30 am already learning with a chavrusa in belz I’m yerushaleim
    May he continue in his great work peacefully and respectfully

  7. We need LEADERSHIP that Stands Up to Clearly COndemn such Meshugana Behavior! It can be a Group of Leaders.
    It needs to be Very Clear and Strong. Simply to show we have not all Lost Our Minds.
    Maybe this is what happens when people learn Only One Derech and that everyone else is a Shaigets!
    Derech Eretz Kadma LTorah and Mkabel Kol Adam BSever Panim Yafos and we need to always beware of making a Chilul Hashem and of making people think BAD of the Torah and its adherants!

  8. Who sanctions this behaviour?Why is there not a public denouncing of it from Gedolim? Surely they cannot turn a blind eye to such a Chilul Hashem?

  9. @garlic, like I said in a previous article, as long as Chareidi families teach their kids that they must be intolerant of people with different views, whether they be daati leumi, secular Jews or even goyim, such behavior will be prevalent in all chareidi communities. I’m always surprised why people are so weary to refer to these extremists as “chareidim.” they are merely acting in a more aggressive way than than the way that all chareidim feel. Until the Chareidi Rabbonim push the idea that all Jews must be tolerant of ALL Jews, especially those that are shomer torah u’mitzvos, this kind of behavior will never stop. After all, they believe that this violence in the rotzon hashem.

  10. YWN typically has unbalanced reporting. It is slanted, biased and the comments are typical. We could have written them for the posters and saved ourselves the wasted time reading their sewage of hate and bias. Anyone with any Yiddish blood in them has the innate ability to at least try to be Dan l’kaf zechus and to at least try to understand the other side.

  11. Such heartbreaking footage and photos. Nothing surprises anymore. The Taliban of Yerushalayim. Everyone’s entitled to ideological and religious beliefs but the way they conduct themselves with such violence and disregard for any semblance of Torah values is truly appalling.

    For anyone with grandparents or family members, who went through the gihenom in Europe, (or anyone for that matter) its enough to make you go mad every time you hear them yell out their favorite N word slur at the Israeli Jewish Police, whom without their protection would be their friendly neighbors to the city’s East, Ramadan dinner.

    Hashem Ya’azor!

  12. No. So-called gedolim need to take a walk and be in the streets with a camera crew. It’s been enough of our religion being run by so-called gedolim with their gatekeepers filtering the messages in both direction. Show me the gadol who is out there giving orders, and then you have leadership.

    This is why Hashem doesn’t let us have nice things.

  13. Hooray! YWN found another anti-Chareidi story to bring to the masses and promote chilul hashem and mass Lashon Hora. It’s an awful story, really awful but why the whole world needs to know it, is beyond me. Neither the detestable behavior of those individuals nor the publication by YWN will hasten Mashiach nor will it gain anyone entry to Olam Habba.


    I and most of my friends/family have stopped shopping in Meah Shearim area and we have let the shopkeepers know. As soon as more and more stores see a reduction in their parnassa,,,, THEY WILL BE OUT on the stores chasing these charedi thugs off the street. Economical boycotts can do more than anything else…

  15. glass bottles thrown and no arrests? something doesn’t sound right.
    but it sounds very right for YWN!
    protests are legal, and the rav kotel has a lot more to answer for than what’s being planned in meron.
    how about the reform plaza at the Kosel, for starters?
    how about the time he let in a bunch of brand-new cars onto the Kosel plaza so that the company could take photos for an ad campaign?

  16. Zionflag: you are saying and doing exactly what the anti-Semitic goyim do and say.
    “All” those Jews….”
    “They’re all the same….”
    “Don’t shop in Jewish owned stores….”
    Do you think for a moment that those store owners in Meah Shearim can do anything to control the hooligans? They inherited apartments and/or store fronts from their parents/grandparents. It’s all they can afford, and they’re struggling like 98% of all the other Israelis to eke out a living. It’s often just bare subsistence. Why do you assume they countenance this sort of misbehavior?
    And to all the goody two-shoes out there — whom I am certain are reporting every red cent of their income to Uncle Sam — who rail against the law-breakers and would like to see their child support and other govt. benefits withheld: you know very well it’ll never fly. The Israeli Supreme Court will have to strike it down. Because otherwise, the govt. will have to cut social benefits to arabs who commit violent acts often using live ammunition and explosives. And of course, they cannot allow that to happen (i.e., slashing arab’s benefits). So, to avoid discrimination, the courts will have to allow violent citizens to continue receiving whatever benefits they are getting.
    P.S. – A word about the Meron squabble. There’s a HUGE amount of $$$ involved in holding the “rights” to the place. Hint: Lag Ba’Omer celebrations in Meron are a gigantic cash cow for whomever is “in the driver’s seat.” ‘Nuff said. Eedach zeel gmor.

  17. Like more than 90% of the commenters here, I am appalled by the behavior of my so called “jewish” brethren. As a child of holocaust survivors, the thought of calling any Jew a Nazi, especially those that protect you 24×7, is just beyond the pale. However, I would like to address a couple of commenters here…
    First @BaltimoreMaven: You write “try to be Dan l’kaf zechus and to at least try to understand the other side.”
    What other side? 3 attacks in 3 days! There is nothing left to be dan l’kaf zchus anymore. These are thugs dressed in chasidish garb. Please don’t call them Bnai Torah; I don’t believe that they learn anything all day. They roam the streets looking for trouble.
    Second @Yaapchik: Why should it NOT be publicized? We have a right to know how these animals behave. This way we also know that when they come knocking at our doors or into our shuls, we can give them a good kick in the pants and tell them to get lost.
    Finally, its about time the Israeli government cracked down on these fools. Pick a few and make an example of them. Stick them in the army and make them scrub toilets with a toothbrush.

  18. These Chareidi demonstrations are clearly done with the tacit approval of at least some rabbonim and askanim Meah Shearim, albeit none will directly claim a leadership role. Someone must know who they are and hopefully they will be identified and dragged off to jail for inciting riots. I’m not a big fan of Rabinowitz and the way he has handled some of the demonstrations at the Kosel itself but no one, even Rabinowitz, should be subject to such violent behavior.

  19. These are very clear photos of the mob. And you seriously expect us to believe the police couldn’t identify & arrest anyone??? If the police can’t find out who & where these animals are…. arrest their leaders. At this point, they have all the control & decent people have zero. Burn their hovels down. Let them move to Iran. This has to stop .

  20. I’m so embarrassed by this behavior. I’ll never defend the Chareidim of Meah Shearim again. Enough is enough.

    I’m also wondering how they always have time to protest against everyone and everything?

    For people who consider themselves frum they need to remember that the downfall of Jews always came because of internal fighting.

  21. american_yerushalmi –

    1. The fact that money may be involved does not in any way justify the behavior not to mention the fact that we have seen such violent behavior many, many times before in Mea Shearim and other charedi enclaves even when money was not involved.
    2. Zionflag was suggesting a method to get the community to deal with the growing problem of violence, not claiming that all members of the community are the same. But as the community’s religious and political leadership has been unwilling to address the issue in any real way, Zionflag is suggesting applying economic pressure in the hope that the merchants in the community will, in turn, be able to pressure the leadership to act. I fully take your point that these (oft-time poor) merchants would then suffer for the sins of others. But I don’t think that your argument is strengthened by mischaracterizing Zionflag’s attitude or suggestion.
    3. I do, in fact, report all of my income to the tax authorities as (I’m quite sure) do my friends, family and neighbors. Your cynicism in this regard says much of the attitudes of your specific community.

  22. > american_yerushalmi

    You completely (and it seems deliberately) avoid the point that should be self-evident. Normal people do not want to enter places that are unstable. Why should I enter any place where, on a whim or rumour, I could be surrounded and attacked by who-knows-how-many violent fanatics.

  23. I’m not sure I understand…if they don’t like the soldiers, the country and the rabbi of the kotel…what do they like about living in Israel exactly? Why don’t they just leave if they don’t like it so much? If they did this in America or other type of Democracy, they would be arrested for disturbing the peace and violent protesting.

  24. “I’m not sure I understand…if they don’t like the soldiers, the country and the rabbi of the kotel…what do they like about living in Israel exactly? Why don’t they just leave if they don’t like it so much? If they did this in America or other type of Democracy, they would be arrested for disturbing the peace and violent protesting.”

    Because they were there first. These are essentially Israel’s version of the Native American problem. It’s not as simple as saying “love it or leave it” to families who lived there before. Admittedly, I think, not unlike many Native Americans, they have the dillusion that “the old days were better,” which is obviously untrue.

    America almost never arrests rioters, by the way. It doesn’t help that rioters in America are almost always members of a protected race.

  25. This is so overly messed up. Been going on for ages and the chutzpah has definitely increased in the last few years. Wish the authorities would beef up those tactics by multi fold aggression. There were a few valid suggestions in earlier comments. Some to the extreme. However I would agree with them. This is getting old boring silly and totally uncalled for.
    I may seem harsh here, but…. next time there is an emergency such as a fire or the need to police for what ever reason. They should be there to assist them. Let them get on their knees ask forgiveness to the hands that feed and cloth them instead of being jack a….es and respect what you have. Also. When they block police vehicles the driver should just keep going slowly. I’m sure they would think twice next time.

    To include I don’t see anything from Anyone throwing things on him as the article states. Kind of confused.

  26. If I cross the street wrong in Jerusalem, I would get a ticket. These guys assault a man and they just go back to “learning?”

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