Tensions Continue To Rise In Ashdod Surrounding Shabbos And Store Closure Enforcement

It appears there is secular momentum in Ashdod as residents are organizing against efforts to shut businesses in the city on Shabbos. Members of the opposition in the city council including Naim Shomer, are calling on residents to gather for a large Shabbos protest against religious coercion in the city, a protest that is set to take place in the chareidi Rova 7 neighborhood of the city.

According to the report released by ‘Here is Southern Ashdod’, the secular Jews are being called upon to “step-up the battle” locally (against Shmiras Shabbos) as well as nationwide. They state this is the time for protests, major protests, to be held on Shabbos afternoon R”L.

“We must remember that only a stubborn and uncompromising public struggle will restore our rights,” he said.

A chareidi Shabbos activist responded to the harsh remarks, saying that “the chareidi community in Ashdod is law-abiding and behaves in a pleasant manner, and will not be dragged after war mongers who encourage anarchy and demonstrations against the law.

“Shomer proved his hatred of the chareidim when, through cheap populism, he went out in an ugly way and incited against a program that would benefit children, both boys and girls suffering from severe housing density, all with their only sin being that they live in the seventh district.”

“Ashdod will not forgive Shomer for the unnecessary wars he provokes in our city, which knows peace and quiet, and in any event the chareidim have no intention of being dragged along, but the police will be asked not to allow the demonstration in the chareidi neighborhood.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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