New Mini-Bus Lines To Be Added Around Israel Will Operate On Shabbos

The Knesset Finance Committee ratified a new reform in the field of public transportation. According to the new reform, mini-busses will be allowed to bid on and run transportation lines in highly traveled areas, that have thus far been under the control of large bus companies. Passengers will also be allowed to pay for the mini-bus service, or moniyot sheirut as they are called in Hebrew, via their Rav-Kav transportation card that covers transportation on all buses and some trains. Large companies such as Egged and Dan will not be allowed to bid for the management of the new lines.

The mini-bus service will run on highly trafficked bus routes as well as open completely new lines to supplement the busses in less frequented areas. In addition, line operators will receive government subsidies for the operation of new routes to help cover the costs of operating the less frequented lines.

Now that the committee has accepted the reform, it needs t be voted on twice more in the Knesset Plenum. The vote is expected to take place next week.

More than 117 new lines will be opened should the reform pass. More than half of those will be operating in the highly congested center of the country and will include new mini-bus routes from central cities to the airport. For the first time, Mini-bus lines will operate inside Jerusalem helping to alleviate transportation problems in the city. More than 13 new routes will open in the capital and 14 new lines will open in Israel’s south connecting many of the outlying cities together. 23 new lines will open in the country’s north, mainly located in the Haifa region while some will go as far north as Acco and Nahariya on the west and Tevaria in the east.

These lines will be operational on Shabbos and yomim tovim as well and will add tremendously to the number of public transportation options throughout the country. Lines that pass through religious neighborhoods will not run in those neighborhoods on Shabbos.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This might drastically reduce chillul shabbos. Right many people that are planning to go to the beach on shabbos drive themselves, because there are no buses. With public transportation, only a fraction of people will need to drive, since everyone else will just get on/off.

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