Talmid Of Rav Moiyal Dies The Day After His Petirah, As Per The Bracha He Received

Rav Moshe Barzilai Z"TL

Mekubal Rav Nissim Moiyal ZT”L promised one of his talmidim that as long as he is alive, he too shall live.

Rav Moiyal was niftar on Monday, 6 Shevat, as reported by YWN-ISRAEL. On Tuesday, the following day, that talmid, Rav Moshe Barzilai Z”L, who was close to Rav Moiyal for years, was niftar at Bellinson Hospital in Petach Tikva at the age of 58. Over the past years, Rav Barzilai was ill and fought a dreaded disease, and doctors did not provide hope.

About two years ago, Rav Barzilai approached his rebbe, Rav Moiyal, seeking a bracha. He did, with Rav Moiyal promising he would remain alive for as long as he was living. He lived almost two additional years since receiving the bracha, which came to an end with the rav’s petira. Needless to say, talmidim were quite shocked.

Rav Barzilai is survived by his wife and 5 children.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. About two years ago, Rav Barzilai approached his rebbe, Rav Moiyal, seeking a bracha. He did, with Rav Moiyal promising he would remain alive for as long as he was living. He lived almost two additional years since receiving the bracha, which came to an end with the rav’s petira. Needless to say, talmidim were quite shocked.
    To day that he lived 2 additional years is border line kefira.
    He simply wasn’t meant to die until the day he died. Humans dont have a say when someone will die.

  2. Attention “Takes2”,

    Some humans do indeed have a say when somebody will die. (or live at least another certain amount of time).
    Chazal phrase it as “Tzaddik Gozer, V’HKB”H Mikayem”. (A Tzaddik decrees, and Hashem complies.)
    And also,
    “HKB”H Gozer, V’Tzaddik Mivatluh”. (Hashem decrees, and a Tzaddik can [oftentimes] annul the decree.)

    Do you not say “Ashrei” thrice daily?
    Did you forget the Possuk “Ritzon Yirai’uv Yaaseh”?

    As a matter of fact, I surmise, YOUR comment is borderline Kefira.

  3. Attention “Takes2”,

    Some humans do indeed have a say when somebody will die. (or live at least another certain amount of time).
    Chazal phrase it as “Tzaddik Gozer, V’HKB”H Mikayem”. (A Tzaddik decrees, and Hashem complies.)
    And also,
    “HKB”H Gozer, V’Tzaddik Mivatluh”. (Hashem decrees, and a Tzaddik can [oftentimes] annul the decree.)

    Do you not say “Ashrei” thrice daily?
    Did you forget the Possuk “Ritzon Yirai’uv Yaaseh”?

    As a matter of fact, I surmise, YOUR comment is borderline Kefira.

    Be careful who you are condemning when you jump to conclusions!

  4. sorry 2tango but this is NOT KEFIRA….it is a case of Tzadik goizer v’Hkb”h mekayem…
    He lived those 2 additional years due to Rav Moiyal’s promise.

  5. I dont see from the story that he gave him an extra two years to live. All it says that he gave him a brocho that he will live as long as he is alive. Which to me means that the mekubel knew that he was going to die around thr same time as him. Which is exactly what happened. No where do i see where he gave him 2 extra years. Sorry!

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