DM Lieberman Bans Yonatan Geffen From Galei Tzahal After He Compares Ahad Tamimi To Anne Frank

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has instructed Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) to stop airing or hosting songwriter/poet Yehonatan Geffen, after the latter used Instagram to praise Ahad Tamimi, the PA (Palestinian Authority) teenager who was videoed slapping an IDF officer.

The videos from the event, which took place on Friday, 27 Kislev, show Ahad and other family members, including her mother, slapping, kicking, punching and shouting at soldiers. The soldiers maintained their cool, ignoring the provocation. Ahed was subsequently taken into custody and indicted with aggravated assault, interfering with IDF operations and other related charges.

Geffen, a known leftist, dares to compare Tamimi with Anne Frank.

Lieberman added that “the State of Israel will not provide a stage for a drunk who compares a girl who perished in the Holocaust and a heroine fighter who fought against the Nazi regime to Ahad Tamimi, the girl who attacked a soldier.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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