Hagaon Rav Kanievsky: Recent Tragedies In Beit Shemesh Due To Bizayon Of Kavod Of Maran HaRav Shteinman ZATZAL

The recent tragedies R”L that have occurred in Beit Shemesh over recent weeks, in which four children died alongside other tragedies that have occurred, have led some residents of the city to begin questioning ‘why is this happening’?

HaRav Nosson Kupshitz, a prominent rov in Beit Shemesh, paid a visit to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky to discuss the matter. He wanted to know if an atzeres tefilla should be arranged to give chizuk to the community in light of the recent tragedies.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, during their conversation, Rav Kanievsky concurred the recent tragedies that have befallen the community is the result of the affront to the kovod of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman ZT”L over the years, but especially now, following his petira. Rav Kanievsky instructed Rav Kupshitz to arrange the atzeres tefilla for all residents, men, women and children, to bring everyone back to total teshuvah and to be mechazeik regarding honor and respect for talmidei chachamim.

Rav Kanievsky is quoted saying the children who were R”L killed recently in tragic accidents are a kapora and a korban tzibur.

In line with Rav Kanievsky’s instructions, an atzeres tefilla will take place this motzei Shabbos at 8:30pm in Beis Medrash Heichal Avraham and the adjoining streets. Gedolei Torah from the city will address the event.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. I’m relieved this question was brought to Rav Kanievsky shlita. The Rav didn’t mince words.

    Btw, Rabbi Menashe Reisman from Israel stated this in his shiur a few weeks ago.

    May Hashem accept their and our Teshuva l’tovah.

  2. With no dishoner to R’ Chaim, I can not help but point out the reactions of the chareidi community to the intimidating signs that cause harrassment of women. Some of these demand they walk on the other side of the street.
    These perversions of halacha and Judaism are fought for like they are Torah miSinai, and any one standing up to them are branded as supporting reform judaism.
    Howabout the way frum soldiers are treated? We have failed to stand up to these hijackers.

  3. Anyone who knows the details of the tragedies also knows that they occurred to families who were not of the anti-rav Steinman variety.
    Anyone who knows the way things work around Rav Kanievsky also knows how things are put out in his name that he never dreamed of saying.
    As for you, “chareidi amiti,” once upon a time we called such things hiddur mitzvah. Today people like you thinking being mehader is a perversion. What a generation. Which is not to say i support stone-throwing or spitting – but then again, 99.9% of the people who put up the signs don’t either, as you of course know.

  4. As an interesting note, today’s Hayom Yom (a daily anthology of Chasidic aphorisms and customs arranged according to the days of the year compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe) also seems to address this issue the following manner:
    In these days especially, when by G‑d’s kindness we stand at the threshold of redemption, we must make every conceivable effort to strengthen every facet of our religion. Mitzvot must be observed b’hidur, with “beauty,” beyond minimal requirements. Customs must be kept scrupulously, nothing compromised. It is a Mitzva and duty of every Rabbi in Israel to inform his congregation that the current tribulations and agonies are the “birth-pangs of Mashiach.” G‑d is demanding that we return to Torah and mitzvot, that we not hinder the imminent coming of our righteous Mashiach.

    Speedily in our says

  5. Point #1 – Being that Kikar Shabbos didn’t post a video allowing us to hear exactly what HaRav Kanievsky , shlita said, I therefore, do not know if the report is accurate or not. What I can tell you is that Rav Chaim , shlita, is very careful and exacting with his words and would not make such statements w/o 100% certainty. Also, many choshev Rabbanim have stated to me that several Gedolei Yisrael have claimed that Rav Kanievsky, shlita, has Ruach HaKodesh. If so, it would be inappropriate to scoff at his words.

    Point #2 – any non-gadol who tries to present the hidden reason behind tragedies like these is sadly being foolish.

    Point #3 – posting claims w/o proof to back up those claims in order to refute a Gedol is not only foolish it in fact is perpetuating the exact problem presented in this article. Furthermore, we have a concept of “אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו”. It is entirely possible that retribution came for not defending a Gadol when the opportunity came and even if there is absolutely no direct connection between their deaths and slight to the Kavod of a Gadol B’Yisrael, sometimes a person has a gezeira against them that can be torn up through the zechus hatzibur. However, if there is a tiviah on the Tzibur the zechus harabim weakens and can not help to tear up the gezeira.

    Conclusion – We, who are greatly lacking in Yiras Shamiyim, should learn to be humble and silent when hearing Gedolim making claims that only kedoshim could make. Just because a statement may not sit well with us doesn’t warrant putting in our two cents. Best to follow Chazal, “שמעון בנו אומר, כל ימיי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב אלא שתיקה”

  6. Yehuda26:
    Hiddur mitzvah is finding a nice esrog. Hidur mitzvah is concentrating on bentching.
    The pervesion of mitzvah is when people think spitting on women is a hiddur or that stoning jewish soldiers are a hiddur.

    You need to reevaluate what you consider a hiddur and what is a besoyon in the name of a hiddur mitzvah

  7. A sign telling women with kids and strollers to cross to the other side of the street because men like to hang out and shmooze after shul is no hidur mitzva, yehuda. It is the utmost of perversion of mesora and the Yiddishkeit that my forebearers fought and died for. Telling Jewish Torah observent soldiers to get out of a “frum” neighborhood?
    What religeon are you refering to yehuda?
    Why are you reforming Torah Judaism???

  8. “HaRav Nosson Kupshitz, a prominent rov in Beit Shemesh, paid a visit to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky to discuss the matter. He wanted to know if an atzeres tefilla should be arranged to give chizuk to the community in light of the recent tragedies.

    According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, during their conversation, Rav Kanievsky concurred “

    It sounds to me like it’s not actually R’ Chaim who said this. If you’ve seen video clips of how it works there he is frequently harassed by people to agree/sign etc.

  9. The report is fake news. The Atzeres was cancelled after various news sites got involved and made up details about the Atzreres that never happened. The Atzeres was supposed to be on Monday, but a report from the Yated and Kikar Hashabbat falsely asserted that it will be on motzei shabbos.
    Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita never said that the deaths were korbanos because of the way a minute fringe group (Neturei Karta) responded to Rav Shteinman’s petirah. Rav Chaim said as per the account of people who were in the room that the tikkun would be to print out Rav Shteinman’s seforim. For various political reasons, some decided that it wasn’t harsh enough of a response, which is why we see the above article.
    After the various news sites got involved, spreading confusion and utter fake news amongst the kehillah in Beit Shemesh, Rav Nosson Kopschitz cancelled the Atzreres saying that “the news sites will not dictate to us how to lead [our Atzreres]”.
    It’s sad that well meaning Rabbonim who sincerely wanted to be mechazek the community were forced to cancel it because of inner politics.

  10. Chareidi amiti: what you learn in a year reb chaim learns in a day and what you eat ina meal he its in ayear so who in the world do you think you are. tzaddik becaus you said no disrespect trust me you will heavily regret those words

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