DM Lieberman Bans Rishon L’Tzion, Rav Eliyahu And Rav Aviner From IDF Bases And Activities

Last week, Tzefas Chief Sephardi Rabbi HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu echoed the words of Rosh Yeshivat Ateret Kohanim HaRav Shlomo HaKohen Aviner, stating it is halachically prohibited to serve in or command a gender-mixed unit in the IDF.

Rav Eliyahu also called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to dismiss IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott for the latter’s many anti-religious policies since assuming office, including the introduction of female combatants.

During a visit to Ashdod on Shabbos, when he showed solidarity with business operating on Shabbos, Lieberman announced he was banning any contact with the above-mentioned rabbonim, who are banned from any and all IDF ceremonies and events. He condemned the rabbonim for their statements against the IDF policies. He added Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita to the list of rabbonim who he is banning as Rav Yosef has recently spoken out against mixed IDF combat units. Lieberman feels the Chief Rabbi must speak in favor of the state and not against its institutions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Lieberman Bans Rishon L’Tzion, Rav Eliyahu And Rav Aviner From IDF Bases And Activities What nerve & filthy Chutzpo, this guy is afflicted by. HaShem has many means at his disposal, but 1 way or another, it will seriously redound & boomerang against Lieberman.

  2. What hypocrisy!!! Shabbat is the law of the land which Lieberman just publicly and flagrantly violated !Eisenkot’s leftist,anti-Torah directives aren’t sanctioned by anyone , and aren’t supported by anyone except the leftist, anti-Torah minority.

  3. The day has arrived.Which of the dati leumi rabbis will support the “dati” , that is Today and which will disregard it to support the “leumi”.

  4. It’s an absolute travesty that such an anti-religious person has the audacity to act as he does, with zero ramifications.

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