PHOTOS: Insect-Free Strawberries Hitting The Marketplace In Israel


For those who follow the opinion of poskim that eating fresh strawberries is problematic and require aggressive cleaning, cutting and peeling, there are now ‘gush katif’ strawberries being introduced into the marketplace, fresh strawberries grown under strict controlled conditions.

It has taken years of trial and error until the product has been approved by rabbonim, marked clean of insects and worthy of hashgacha. Earlier version required too much pesticides and rendered them a health hazard, but the controlled conditions and other technology being used reportedly replaced the pesticides and the end product is acceptable.

The strawberries have four hechsherim; Badatz Agudas Yisrael, Badatz Sheiris Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Schneur Zalman Revach and the Eshkol Rabbinate.

The strawberries are grown in hothouses in Yishuv Bnei Netzarim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. With so many hechsherim one begins to wonder if its as bug free as claimed. Im gonna stick to the ou for now which rav belsky zl had no issues with

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