Jerusalem Police Officer Charged For Falsely Accusing And Arresting A Meah Shearim Protester

A Jerusalem police officer has been charged for falsely arresting a Chareidi protester in Meah Shearim on charges of assaulting an officer. The policeman is charged with reporting an offense when he knew the information was false.

The allegations are in connection to a protest in Meah Shearim on Friday June 2, 2017. Police arrived on scene to prevent attacks against a Chareidi soldier in uniform walking through the neighborhood. A riot ensued, and a number of policemen were attacked by members of the local population. The complainant was present at the scene, filming the incident between police officers and protesters. The man was arrested and taken to the police station.

According to the indictment, at the police station, the policeman gave a false statement that during the operation he identified the complainant attacking another police officer  while he was arresting a suspect. The defendant also falsely claimed that the complainant tried to interfere with his own arrest.

At the time, the officer added that he injured the complainant while grabbing him and putting him in the police vehicle, and that he had informed the complainant of his arrest for assaulting a policeman and interfering with his arrest.

Due to the seriousness of the false charges against the Chareidi man, he was questioned under warming, informed he would face charges of assaulting a policeman and other related charges.

It was B”H established the policeman gave false testimony. The Department for the Investigation of Police in the State Attorney’s Office filed an indictment against the 30-year-old policeman for fraud and breach of trust offenses, disrupting legal proceedings and filing false information.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Here’s how it works. A policeman dressed as a soldier walks around Meah She’arim for 4 hours without anybody bothering him. Then some unstable person knowing it’s a policeman shouts at him. The policeman, being a thug at heart, shoves the person who shouts at him. All his thug policeman partners come racing out of cars to arrest the person. Charedim try to rescue their brother. The Israeli press – may it blotted from the earth – reports that Charedim attacked a soldier and police made arrests.

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