WATCH: During Knesset Filibuster, MK Reads Eicha In Yemenite Hebrew


There was a filibuster in Knesset during the night, which dragged into the morning hours. The opposition decided to teach the coalition a lesson regarding The Recommendation Bill, which is passing into law. This is the bill that prevents police from submitting a recommendation to the prosecution upon completion of an investigation.

It was first believed the bill was intended to assist Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is under several investigations by police today, and this was most likely correct. The immediate public outcry resulted in the Prime Minister announcing that even if the bill passes into law, he would not permit having it apply in his case, distancing himself from allegations lawmakers are working to assist him.

MK (Machane Tzioni) Eitan Cabel was among those participating in the filibuster. He told Betzalel Kahn of Kol Chai Radio on Wednesday morning 9 Teves that even to the exclusion of the Prime Minister, the bill is inappropriate and while he and his colleagues are well-aware is would pass into law, they were not about to be nice about, using the filibuster to exacerbate coalition members looking to get on with business. Opponents to the bill filed over 1,200 objections, all read in the plenum session.

In this accompanying video we see Eitan using his filibuster time to read Eicha in his childhood dialect, telling Kol Chai when they grew up, there was no baal korei and everyone was taught how to lein from a Sefer Torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. whether you agree or not with the chavrei knesset or their positions, I think mi keamcha yisrael that will read torah during a filibuster instead of a cook book like in the US.

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