Fatah Called For Another ‘Day Of Rage’ This Friday

Fatah has called for another Day of Rage, this Friday, 4 Teves. A Day of Rage simply translates into violent protests, confrontations with Israeli security officials and attacks against Israeli motorists, primarily in Yehuda and Shomron. The excuse for the latest ongoing Arab violence is US President Trump’s declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The PA (Palestinian Authority) has therefore called for the Day of Rage, resorting to what it knows best, violence. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has also announced he will not meet with US Vice President Pence when he visits the region, as he is scheduled to do in January 2018. He added he will also not meet with and emissaries of the US administration in an act of protest against the declaration.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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