Hesder Students Receive More Government Stipends than Their Charedi Counterparts

The Education Ministry is seeking to raise the budgetary allocations for Hesder Yeshivos, while maintaining a sense of harsh castigation against Charedi Yeshivos.

Israeli press sites reported on Wednesday that the Ministry is seeking to raise the level of funding for Hesder Yeshiva students to 90 percent of what a pre-military academy student receives. The current subsidy is somewhere around 75 percent, making the raise a sharp increase while Charedi Yeshivos receive a far lower stipend for their students.

The reports state that the current stipend for a Hesder Yeshiva student is four times that amount that a Charedi Yeshiva receives for their students, and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, is looking to make the Hesder stipends even larger.

The Director of Union of Charedi Yeshiva Directors, Shlomo Brilent sent a letter to Minister Bennett, complaining about the unfair division. “In past years there existed an organized standardization of the value of the subsidies given out to Yeshivot based upon the marital status of their students. Single students received one tariff while married students or Avreichim received a higher tariff. It did not matter to which yeshiva they belonged, nor to which stream of Judaism. Over the past two years, we have been witness to the conscious destruction of the organized and equal tariff system. Today we are seeing this trend once again, as certain groups of lobbyists or pressure groups have succeeded in increasing their own tariffs, without any true justification. This increase does not express equality among the various students. and is not justified.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The information is much too vague. Is this about personal money going into the personal pockets of each student, or is it about school budget per student? In the latter case it seems rather self-evident that expenses for such “extras” as science labs and qualified secular teachers justifies considerably higher budget.

  2. Hesder students are in the army – they should be getting regular army pay.

    The non-hesder students are hypocrites for accepting the government money (in effect, they are being paid to “bless” a regime that if it were legitimate would require them to actively serve in the military.

  3. hesder yeshivot do not have science labs or secular studies teachers. we learn torah all day just at other yeshivot. at my yeshiva shacharit is at 7. morning seder is 8:30 to 13:00 mincha at 15:00 afternoon seder from 15:15 to 19:15, maariv at 19:15 and night seder from 20:15 to 23:00. We also learn torah full time

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