MDA EMT-3: This Time, To My Sorrow, I Couldn’t Save Him

Magen David Adom EMT-3 Boaz ELlinson, 44, arrived at the scene of the Har Adar terrorist attack, only to find the victim was once again, Border Police First-Sgt. Solomon Gavria HY”D, who was one of the four security personnel on the scene wounded by terrorist gunfire.

Ellinson has been working as an EMT for MDA for close to 30 years. On Tuesday, when he arrived at Har Adar moments after the terrorist drew his handgun and opened fire, killing two guards and a border policeman; Solomon, and leaving the fourth security guard seriously wounded.

“While enroute I was thinking of the scene almost a year ago, in the nearby area” explains Ellinson. “When I arrived on the scene what I saw was difficult – four persons down including three who were unconscious. At first, I did not recognize Solomon and I simply began treating him.

“Some time after treating him, when I saw his photo in the media, I recalled I treated him at the stabbing attack last year. I was summoned to the same area and Solomon was on the ground, bleeding from his neck after engaging the armed terrorist, who fled. I treated him and transported him to the hospital. I recall enroute to the hospital, we spoke and he was calm.

“This is the first time that I have come across the same victim at different attacks”, explains Ellinson. “Last time, my treatment was effective but to my sorrow, this time, I was unable to save him”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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