Flatbush Community Kinnus Regarding New Missionary Center

kkA Jews for J missionary group, has spent $2.1 million to acquire a building and $2 million more on renovations to construct a 14,000 square-foot missionary center in the heart of Flatbush. It will house a “synagogue,” sefer Torah, classrooms, and a dining hall, concerts and an espresso bar – all with the intention of attracting the general Orthodox community and particularly unaffiliated local Jews and adults at risk from frum homes who have abandoned Yiddishkeit or are on the fringe. Vulnerable Jews will be invited for deceptive Friday night meals and holiday parties and services. Will they join? Who would turn down free meals and a warm, friendly, and welcoming atmosphere? The missionary center makes it clear in its promotional material that Jews in Brooklyn are their prime targets, because there is so much outreach “kiruv” work to be done in Brooklyn and that so many of our own are lost and floundering. Recently, these same missionaries spent millions of dollars on a marketing campaign called Isaiah 53 (which appeared on Flatbush and Borough Park MTA busses). They also have been dressing up as frum Jews with tzitzis and Yarkmulah prospecting Jews and have attempted to infiltrate shuls and Jewish homes with their literature and books that look like seforim.

There will be a community Kinnus on December 25th to alert the community to the dangers of the missionaries and a “Da Ma Shetashiv” seminar that will educate the community on the truth of the Torah and the fallacies of their religion. Keynote speakers are the world renowned anti-missionary and famous speaker, Rabbi Tovia Singer, and Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, Mora D’Asra of Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) and renowned speaker, who is at the forefront of battling the local missionaries. Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky, Director of RAJE, will also speak. His message will be about the Torah obligation to reach out to our non-observant brethren. Today, with the threat from local Jewish missionaries, the fire of assimilation burning out of control, and the rampant off-the-derech phenomenon, everyone in Flatbush and environs, men and women, are urged to attend this Kinnus. The Kinnus will take place at the Brooklyn Jewish Xperience Kiruv and Chizuk Center 2915 Avenue K on December 25 at 11am.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Where exactly will this missionary be built?
    Flyers and information has to be given out 24/7 in front of the building to alert participants of the dangers…

  2. First paragraph, second-to-last line refers to a “Yarkmulah” and implies that it is an item of clothing. Actually, a “Yarkmulah” (also spelled “Yarkmullah”) is a leader of the Yark sect of Islam.

    The J4J folks are really playing tough – free food, a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Didn’t they steal that from the Jews? What chutzpah (which they also stole from the Jews).

  3. Has anyone investigated as to who sold the property to these people? If it was one of the “tribe” they should be placed in “cherem”!

  4. I would like to know how in the world the established frum leadership let this go so far that a meshumad is able to spend 5 million dollars to try to target our children and is out there thinking about what we are doing wrong and how he and his fellow meshumadim will rectify it.

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