Orthodox Union Welcomes President Trump’s Condemnation Of Anti-Semitism

1Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, issued the following statement after President Donald Trump’s remarks this morning.

Mr. Mark Bane, president of the Orthodox Union, stated: “Over the past several weeks, the American Jewish community has been subjected to scores of bomb threats, acts of vandalism and other anti Semitic incidents. We welcome today’s statement by President Donald Trump, delivered at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, that “the anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community, and community centers, are horrible and painful.”

We appreciate that President Trump spoke directly to this matter. The words of a President of the United States carry great weight and it is important that Mr. Trump addressed the American Jewish community and all our fellow Americans at this time.

We appreciate that the FBI and Department of Justice are investigating these incidents and the “possible civil rights violations” they entail. We also appreciate the work of the Department of Homeland Security that supports the safety of our Jewish community institutions.”

8 Responses

  1. Kudos to Orthodox Union
    President Trump is a a true jewish friend prime minister Netanyahu said he felt the love & friendship from the president
    To jewish nation
    But remember they will find this tugs who are making this bomb threats & you will see is a liberal so called Onama Trooper Remember what Ibama did before he left office to israel & to the Jewish nation the holy kosel he said belongs to the Palestinians
    תמחה את זכר עמלק מתחת השמים לא תשכח

  2. Trump only said these words because of the flak he’s received from his earlier gaffes, e.g. omitting Jews when remembering the holocaust. He’s learning how to be a politician! Nothing wrong with that – but politicians’ words have little to do with their beliefs and sympathies.

  3. To yeshiva world news
    I see anyone that is comments are against The President gets true fast i can see the timing
    Any others can wait a long time

  4. #4 President Trump IS and WAS always an ohev yisroel. That’s the home he came from and that’s how he raised his children, which could very well be the reason his daughter converted to Judaism.

    And as far as Trump being a politician. No way. Politicians are liars and always trying to be PC. Both of these shortcomings are not part of Trump’s character. Sorry, your entire post is just a way to slander the greatest President the US has ever had.

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