Chareidim Waiting for the High Court to Decide on Kosel

derAs the High Court of Justice is hearing petitions pertaining to the egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel, the government is going to ask to wait a number of weeks before ruling, to permit the Knesset to legislate a law rather than having the court rule in the matter. At least this is the view of Shas party leader Minister Aryeh Deri, who told Kikar Shabbos News the draft law on the cabinet’s table is not moving ahead and he hopes to persuade the attorney general to include it in the state’s response to the High Court.

Deri plans to have a member of the party initiate a bill that will dictate regulations at the Kosel, all towards blocking Reform Jewry and to prevent Women of the Wall from continuing their provocation at the Kosel. The initiative from Shas was already met with objections from Kulanu party leader Minister Moshe Kahlon. However, Deri explains he is unwilling to compromise in the slightest regarding the future of the Kosel. He remains confident that ultimately, the Kosel status quo will be locked in by legislation.

For the time being, Shas MKs continue to present bill and week after week, they are knocked down in the Ministerial Law Committee.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Is this the same Deri who so embarrassed himself and disgraced the memory of Maran Ovadaiah, Z’tl, by rubbing his eyes with an onion (as shown on a video released over the weekend) so he could fake tears after the Rav was niftar several years ago. If so, he has zero credibility on anything he puts forward. He is the ultimate FAKE, even by Trumpian standards.

  2. What right does the secular self-appointed anti-Torah anti-G-d court have on holy Jewish orthodox sites? Why are they allowed to take themselves all this power? If Israel doesn’t stop them, they’ll soon meddle in Rav Kanievsky’s and the Belzer shul.

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