Despite White House Warning, Israel Pushes Settlement Bill

trbi2Israel’s prime minister is moving ahead with a contentious law that would legalize dozens of “settlements”, despite claims by experts that the bill itself is “illegal” and a warning from the White House that settlement construction “may not be helpful.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under intense pressure from members of his coalition to bring the bill to a vote in parliament following last week’s court-ordered demolition of Amona. But he risks drawing angry international condemnations, possibly even from the ostensibly friendly Trump administration, if he pushes forward.

Netanyahu’s nationalist coalition is dominated by the right-wingers and their supporters. Bayit Hayehudi, a powerful coalition ally, has been leading the calls to vote on the outpost law this week, perhaps as soon as Monday. Bayit Yehudi believes that with a friendly president in office, it is time for Netanyahu to lay out a clear policy for the “West Bank”, including the possible annexation of parts of the areas.

Netanyahu has sent mixed signals about the legislation, publicly voicing support for it while also reportedly expressing private misgivings. On Sunday, he indicated that he might once again delay the vote in a possible sign he is rethinking his support.

MK Shuli Moalem-Refaeli, one of the bill’s sponsors, said that the Yehuda and Shomron are dotted with homes that she claimed had been built over the years in “good faith” and should now be legalized.

“What has been established cannot be destroyed,” she told Israel Radio.

Israel’s powerful settler lobby was jolted last week by the court-ordered demolition of Amona, an outpost found to have been built on private Palestinian land. Over 40 families were forced from their homes, putting pressure on the government to respond. Proponents of the new legislation are bent on passing it to prevent similar scenes from taking place.

The bill would retroactively legalize several thousand homes built illegally on private Palestinian land. The original landowners would be compensated either with money or alternative land, even if they do not agree to give up their property.

Critics have said the bill will not pass legal muster. Netanyahu’s own attorney general has said he will not defend the bill before the country’s Supreme Court, and Netanyahu has reportedly expressed concerns that the legislation could strengthen a case against Israel in the International Criminal Court.

“People on the right haven’t got the courage to tell the settlers the truth,” Tzachi Hanegbi, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, said over the weekend. “”It is reasonable to assume that the bill will not pass.”

Dan Meridor, a former justice minister and Likud member, said the bill is problematic because it would affect “Palestinians living on land that is not part of Israel and who do not have the right to vote”.

“The idea is that we are taking land from someone, accidentally or not, and then are getting rid of him without him getting in a word, without him participating in the legislation,” he said. “This is something destructive that must be stopped.”

The American Jewish Congress, a mainstream pro-Israel Jewish organization in the U.S., on Sunday called on Israeli legislators to reject the bill, saying it undermined hopes for a two-state solution with the Palestinians.

Adalah, an Israeli group that protects Arab rights, said it would immediately file a challenge in the Supreme Court if the bill is approved.

“This sweeping and dangerous law permits the expropriation of vast tracts of private Palestinian land, giving absolute preference to the political interests of Israel as an occupying power and to Israeli settlers,” said Suhad Bishara, a lawyer with the group.

Legal troubles are just one of Netanyahu’s considerations. The international community overwhelmingly opposes the settlements and sees them as an obstacle to peace.

The Palestinians say the settlements, home to 600,000 Israelis, are making it increasingly impossible to partition the land into two states. In December, President Barack Obama allowed the U.N. Security Council to pass a resolution declaring settlements illegal.

After repeatedly clashing with Obama, Netanyahu is optimistic about a new era of relations with Trump, who harshly criticized the U.N. resolution.

Trump has signaled a far more sympathetic approach to the settlements, raising hopes in Netanyahu’s government that it will be able to step up construction.

But after Netanyahu announced plans to build over 6,000 new settler homes during Trump’s first two weeks in office, the White House over the weekend signaled that it too may have its limits.

“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal,” the White House said.

Netanyahu said he was looking forward to discussing the matter at the White House on Feb. 15.

Amid these misgivings, Netanyahu late Sunday signaled that he might once again delay the vote, which had also been scheduled last week. An official in the Likud Party said Netanyahu was trying to consult with the new U.S. administration to see how it would react. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal party deliberations.

But a vote remained scheduled for late Monday, shortly after Netanyahu is to return from a one-day visit to London for talks with Prime Minister Theresa May. As he boarded his flight, Netanyahu remained vague about his plans.

“I hear all the time disingenuous ultimatums. I don’t get excited,” Netanyahu said in an apparent reference to his Bayit Yehudi allies. “When I manage the country, I think about our national interest. I act only according to this.”


14 Responses

  1. Why must they advertise it?? The White House has to deal with lots of anti-Semitic pressures as a result and they may be compelled to oppose the building! Just do it and shut up!

  2. First is that to build residentials on land owned by Paladtinian peoples even if the Israel government give money after that they do not want or giving them other land to replacement is clearly violation and immoral over international law and number two how can Likud be so fooling to new Trump administration that he want to support Israel and more than that the general settlements altogether but only in the diplomatic politics which must be to cooperate with the US even on the side with democratics of course.

  3. If Trump is about to recognize Israeli claims to at least part of Jerusalem (by moving the embassy there), it would be wise of the Israelis to not build new settlements or recognize illegal ones until that happens. The last thing the Israelis want to do is to antagonize Trump.

  4. We voted for trump because he promised to be on Israel side and let them do what they think is good now what does he mix in????

  5. STOP BELIEVING FAKESTREAM NEWS. This article is more lies from AP Fake News. Trump clearly stated that existent communities are NOT an impediment to peace and Israel has the full right to build as much as they want.

  6. Same policy as obama. We won’t see the embassy moved either, they don’t even mention it anymore. This incompetent is emor harbeh vaasai ma’at.

  7. I’m with # 1. Same thought occurred to me. Why oh why do they always broadcast what they’re about to do?! Just do it and talk about it afterwards. Some people have no sechel…

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