SHOCKING VIDEO: Jewish Man Forced To Strip Down, Has Clothing Stolen At Gunpoint Robbery In Far Rockaway On Shabbos


A man was forced to strip down to his underwear during an armed robbery in Far Rockaway Friday.

Police say the 24-year-old victim was trying to enter a home on Neilson Street around 6:30 pm when he was approached by a man armed with a gun.

The suspect pointed the gun at the victim’s head and demanded his clothes.

The victim, who was wearing a suit, can be seen on surveillance footage handing over his overcoat, jacket, shoes, and pants before the suspect flees in an unknown direction.

The victim then dashes indoors to safety and warmth.

Police say the suspect is Hispanic and in his mid 20’s, approximately 5’7″ and 150 pounds, with curly hair. He was last seen wearing a medium color-toned hooded sweatshirt, dark jeans, and black and white sneakers.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS or for Spanish 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

(Source: WCBSTV)

16 Responses

  1. To No. 2

    Notwithstanding your posting name, you clearly lack any sechel or you are deliberately making racist comments. According to census data, approximately 85 percent of the Hispanic population of NYC was born here. The large percentage of the heimeshe communities in NYC are also the children of immigrants. Whats your point? Maybe Trump’s “deportation squads” should round up every first generation yid and send them back to the Alte Heim at the same time they are deporting first and second generation Hispanices back to the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc.

  2. To No. 3

    What ppl fail to realize is that trump wants to deport the minorities who do horrific things like this monkey in the video. Ppl say, “oh just like trump wants to get rid of muslims he will also deport the jews”. But that is not true because jews are not the ones who are dangerous. He simply wants to keep the country safe from criminals and terrorists, he isnt simply a racist.

  3. #3: No such thing as deporting someone to Puerto Rico since it’s a Commonwealth of the U.S. and its citizens are U.S. citizens.

    Regarding this incident, I surmise that the perpetrator first demanded the victim’s money, and when told he didn’t have any, then demanded his clothing. The victim was more fortunate than another frum FR resident who was shot by a would-be robber on Shabbos a number of years ago.

  4. Gadol hadorah, but you are the kattan in sechel- if a yid was robbing ppl at gunpoint, he should be sent back to his “alter heim” or worse. it’s not an imigration issue, it’s a criminal issue. they should dispose of any criminal ASAP. when was teh alst time you heard of a heimishe person robbing anyne at gunpoint? when was the last time you heard of a “heimishe” gun owner?

  5. To all those that correctly noted my sarcastic reference to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico being part of the U.S. it makes as much sense as assuming some”Hispanic” criminial is an immigrant. Stop stereotyping ethnic groups….the vast percentage of Hispanics in NYC are the children of immigrants, work hard and have no encounters with the law. Those who are gang members, etc. SHOULD be sent back wherever they came from asap. There is no debate on that point except for our stupid mayor who thinks DWI is not a violent crime

  6. #3 Look who’s talking about lacking any sechel. What percentage of sechel do guys like you have for supporting terrorist immigrants or supporting the killing of babies?

    You, RT and others like you are the best example of the quote from our Sages: One who is merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful.

  7. I’d actually guess what happened here was this guy was running away from another crime and figured the best disguise would be to dress as an orthodox jew. He’s probably out of the county by now and in another disguise. I wouldn’t be surprised if police finds these clothes in the trash.

  8. To Gamanit – i know this guy and stop making stuff up! He got held at gunpoint and was forced to hand over his suit and coat – so again stop making things up!

  9. This is mamesh out of control! Hashem u must redeem us from this nasty galus!! I really hope that this man is found and has a macah waiting for him in gehenim

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