Ousted from Gush Katif and Now, from Amona

aMrs. Dina Abramson, a resident of Amona who was evicted from Gush Katif explains to Channel 2 News “It is clear to me that HKBH runs the world and he has sent shluchim to remove us for one reason or another.

I have no anger towards soldiers, who are one of us, or police. We are all Jews and we are one and I will not permit this to permit anger towards anyone. This is Hashem’s action and we must understand He runs the world.

I do not understand this and if we cannot return to Amona we will B’ezrat Hashem find another place to settle but I accept the gezeira upon us.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Someone has to pay for all those tears shed today , for some government people it won’t be nice ending just like gush katif (vegetable)

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