Boro Park: The War Between The Jewish Newspapers And Grocery Stores Has Ended

01Residents of Boro Park were thrilled on Thursday morning to learn that the war between the Jewish newspapers and more than 40 grocery stores has ended.

As YWN had reported, the stores had formed a union and demanded that the newspapers raise their prices so that the stores can charge more. The newspapers all agreed that their prices will not be raised. The stores then signed a paper boycotting all the publications from their shelves.

The publications responded by strategically placing trucks throughout Boro Park with all the newspapers for sale.

Meanwhile, the stores came under enormous pressure from their thousands of customers why their favorite publications were unavailable. Adding to their headaches was the fact that the story ended up on the news – most notably YWN.

Sure enough, the stores caved into the pressie, and the war in Boro Park has ended.

In fact, one store decided to place a sign in his store that all the newspapers had decided to charge more for their papers, and he ws charging 50 cents more per paper. The newspapers were furious with this one store, and did not allow their papers back into the establishment until he returned the pricing to the original cost.

One publisher who had been affected told YWN that he was happy that he and his competitors had worked together on this issue to fight for the benefit of the consumer. “We felt that there was nothing more important to us than ensuring that all our readers would not be bullied into paying higher prices”.


(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

18 Responses

  1. Sounds like propaganda by the magazine union.

    Grow up, take the heat and tell everybody that “negotiations were successful”. I for one and cutting back on newspapers. Max one from now on. No other product sold in the stores dictate the cost and sale price like these magazines.

  2. That is not true the store got a cheaper cost now so they can make some money on the papers this sounds like a paid article!!

  3. There was a compromise where the two sides “split the difference”. The publications agreed to give the stores a bigger discount than previously, but less than the discount the stores demanded initially.

  4. Now all the stores in Flatbush and Williamsburg and out of town, outside New York, will also be demanding the same lower price the publications gave the Boro Park stores.

  5. Woah! Trump was right! You really can’t trust the media!!! This article is one big lie. The grocerys did not want to raise the prices only to receive a slightly higher profit for the work & space involved with selling these papers. And they won!!!! Just goes to show what you can get from unity! Kol hakovod!!!!

  6. Here in “out of town” we are already paying more for the publications than in the New York area. The prices got so out of hand after a recent price hike on some publications that my block got together and started a “magazine g’mach” of sorts where each of us buys one publication each week and then we leave it in a box on one neighbor’s porch free for anyone on the block’s taking. It works really well and many neighborhoods do this but if the prices would go up here, even the “magazine g’mach” would die a slow death.

  7. I stopped buying most of the publications a while back. I couldnt see myself paying $8 for the zman which is purely an extra item for the kids. I censor the readers digest for them instead.

  8. Given the very high cost of publishing small circulation newpapers of ANY type, the publishers should just have moved to phase out their hard copy editions and moved towards on-line electronic editions thereby eliminating the role of the grocery stores entirely. No other tzibur in the developed world relies on bundling their news services with their potatoes and chulent. Even the supermarkets are gradually phasing out the tabloids that used to dominate the shelf space around the checkout stations. While I’m sure they might lose some Chareidi purchasers who don’t own PDAs, within a few years, those numbers will not constitute a material portion of the frum population as PDAs with filters become more prevalent.

  9. The original article in YWN said that the stores asked for lower wholesale prices so that they can make more profit selling at THE SAME PRICE. This article totally changes the story.

    What can you expect from shoddy new reporting like CNN and YWN…

  10. @gadolhatorah good plan except how do you propose the people read them on shabbos which is probably the time 80% of their readers read them….unless your proposing a shabbos tablet which is a whole other issue

  11. YWN please at least try to get the story right or was it just that you changed sides??
    the first article clearly says that the stores wanted the publishers to raise the price so they to can charge more(???), in this article it says all they wanted was that publishers should give them a cheaper wholesale price!!!

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