Many Anxiously Await Timetable For Moving US Embassy From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem

1In his first official press conference since the Trump administration took office, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced on Monday, 25 Teves, that a timetable for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem has not been set, stating “We’re at the very early stages of that decision-making progress.”

While some were led to believe the move is imminent, others feel that now that President Trump is in office, realities surrounding the move will set in and it will take time until it is realized. The PA (Palestinian Authority) has already announced that if the embassy is moved, it will bring a sudden and abrupt end to any dream of the so-called two-state solution.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I personally do not expect the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem will happen in Trump’s first term. I have no particular facts to support this expectation, other than the track record of prior presidents who campaigned on this promise but did not – could not? never intended to? – keep it.

  2. It aint gonna happen. Trump is busy with really important things like lying about the size of inauguration crowd and all the voter fraud that never happened. This is all about Trumps over inflated ego. I feel bad for all of his supporters who think that this guy is some sort of a messiah. But then again in the world of alternative facts maybe the embassy is already in Jerusalem.

  3. Its all part of Trump’s negotiating strategy. Throw out some extreme position at the outset of negotiations and then use that as a negotiating point and offer to “back off” a position in exchange for concessions for the other side. Thats exactly how he came out of the bankruptcy of his Atlantic City casinos without having to perform on the personal guarantees he had provided to the lenders. Any move of the embassy will not happen until his son-in-law has made several trips to the region and established some credibility with the PA.

  4. Please don’t, president Trump. We are so happy with all the executtove orders so far. We don’t want the embassy changed. Our blood is more important. Lets not do something not so necessary that may cause spilling of our poor blood.

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